Congress Contemplates Giving Cash to Foreigners
By Phyllis Schlafly
Monday, February 25, 2008

“There is much more to the Millennium Goals than merely extorting more money from U.S. taxpayers. The goals set forth a comprehensive plan to put the United States under U.N. global governance.

These goals include a “standing peace force” (i.e., a U.N. standing army), a “U.N. Arms register” of all small arms and light weapons, “peace education” covering “all levels from preschool through university,” and “political control of the global economy.” The goals call for implementing all U.N. treaties that the United States has never ratified, all of which set up U.N. monitoring committees to compromise U.S. sovereignty.

To achieve this level of control over U.S. domestic law, the plan calls for “strengthening the United Nations for the 21st century” by “eliminating” the veto and permanent membership in the Security Council. The goal is to reduce U.S. influence to one out of 192 nations, so we would have merely the same vote as Cuba.

The Global Poverty Act would be a giant step toward the Millennium Goals of global governance and international taxes on Americans. Tell your senators to kill this un-American bill.”

Read the full article here: