
Mission Control


Chuck Frank


While nearly everyone in the world is either on a cellphone, watching TV, going to a movie, jet setting or working for a living, how many are prepared for a time that is coming when the elites will be dictating to the masses everything under the sun which will sadly mirror the totalitarian society of China?  And while the masses are distracted but content with their many gadgets, the end of the free world draws near.  Does anybody know what time it is?  I have asked this question before.  Just ask the lady with the diamond watch which just stopped cold dead!

For the record, history has just caught up to 2019 and you may ask what am I talking about. 

Just “follow the money” which has been issued by the Brussels, Belgium,  bankers and then come to the revelation of who the woman is, that is riding on the beast on the Euro coin above.  She is historically, the mythological goddess Europa, from which Europe has evolved from.  It is a Babylonian reference to the “mother of harlots” and other abominations which were then, and now, and alas, includes the great seduction of all nations while encouraging immorality, and lawlessness, yet, at the same time these players create a political smokescreen of a  “non-voting”  European Union type, made up of their own dictatorial elite,  promising “peace and brotherhood” on a global scale that will band together the rest of the nations into a single sinister web of bondage, the loss of precious sovereignty, and  a New World Order.

Looking for anarchists? Go to the District of Criminals!


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One of the more flagrant uses of words meant to disparage others, is the use of the word anarchist or, anarchy.  In a recent statement by “Dirty” Harry Reid, Senate leader,

“Senate Democrats have shown that we are willing to debate and vote on a wide range of issues, including efforts to improve the Affordable Care Act. We continue to be willing to debate these issues in a calm and rational atmosphere. But the American people will not be extorted by Tea Party anarchists.”

So let’s take a look at the definition of “anarchists and/or anarchy” in The Free Dictionary

an·ar·chy (nr-k)                                                               DIRTY HARRY

n. pl. an·ar·chies

1. Absence of any form of political authority.

2. Political disorder and confusion.

3. Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.

Excuse me “Dirty” Harry……..I believe you just described both houses of congress and the current state of our so-called “elected” government. More

Sheriff Mack on the rise of police brutality and lawlessness in law enforcement


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There is not one police or sheriff’s vehicle left in the country that bears the words “To Serve & Protect” emblazoned on the side.  Thanks to the Homeland Security Terrorism Department, and massive cash infusions into state and local law enforcement departments, these words have been intentionally scraped and replaced with enlarged graphics simply reading “SHERIFF or (your town) POLICE”.

No longer the hero’s of our childhood, our local law enforcement agencies have been morphed into para-military organizations whose personnel in most cases, believes that the law does not apply to them.  After watching this short video, it is apparent that the officers involved are acting in a manner indicative of someone who believes that no matter how egregious their actions, they will not be held accountable and in most cases, they are not.

This video is indicative of what happens when you allow the wearing of a badge to override the law.