
Update: Nearly 45,000 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Opposing COVID Lockdowns

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Wake Up To The Truth

Arjun Walia

Originally posted on November 1, 2020


In Brief

  • The Facts:More than 44,000 scientists and doctors as well as more than 446,000 people have signed the Great Barrington Declaration, opposing a second COVID-19 lockdown because, according to them, it’s doing much more harm than good.
  • Reflect On:Why are opinions and narratives that oppose the WHO being censored, ridiculed, and largely ignored? Why aren’t they discussed openly and transparently?

Implementation of the current draconian measures that so extremely restrict fundamental rights can only be justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally dangerous virus is threatening us. Do any scientifically sound data exist to support this contention for COVID-19? I assert that the answer is simply, no. –Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a specialist in microbiology and one of the most cited research scientists in German history, read more about him here.

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TS Radio Network: The coming economic reset…you lose!

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Join us live Monday Oct 12th, 2020 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

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Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


On tonight’s show Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be continue the discussion of our upcoming economic system. There are very important reasons behind the newly created crypto currencies approved by the FEDERAL RESERVE. It also ties into ID 2020 and the dystopian society planned for us in the very near future.
  • The global economic reset is being implemented now by the movers and shakers of this planet.
  • The World Economic forum and politicians around the world to include former Vice President Al Gore have told you it is coming as well as the Economist magazine 32 years earlier in 1988.
There are many dangers in pursuing this new economic agenda for the average man or woman on the street. Once again Marti and John will be going down the rabbit hole to expose the hidden truth behind this dystopian plan to fully enslave the planet. It all revolves around more government (read Vatican banking) control over the economic system and the people of this planet. All countries are moving to a zero interest rate policy to finance government. Join us tonight, Monday the 12th of October, 2020 at 8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain or 5 p.m. Pacific time. The below link will also take you to the archive of the show should you miss the show live.

TS Radio Network: Dr John Reizer ..A COVID vaccine?

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Join us live Friday night, October 1, 2020 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

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All shows are archived and available for listening at your convenience.

Hosted by Marti Oakley (Coz is on vacation)


Our guest tonight is Dr. John Reizer, publisher of the popular website No Fake News.  Dr. Reizer has studied and written extensively about the COVID virus scamdemic.

Our focus will be the coming vaccine and the danger it presents to the population.  Ask your self how a vaccine could possibly be developed when they claim they have not yet been able to identify the virus? The fact is, there is no virus.  There are however, inflated deaths counts and other fabrications that are an attempt to convince the public that the virus exists and is deadly. After all, if they can’t terrorize you into compliance and forfeiting your freedom the end goal would not be possible.

Included in this so-called vaccine will be a digital tattoo that will have your vaccination history, your medical records, your financial information and all of your personal identity documents.  Also included will be a nano gel with a self replicating (Rna) that will disperse throughout your body.  This will make your respiration, pulse and other physical information about you available any time to any one who has access to the system.  It will also begin the process of trans-humanism… Anyone remember the Borg from Star Trek?

This should be a lively discussion and we encourage you to join in!

Dr Reizer has written numerous novella’s and stories that are quite popular.  View the list here.

Dr. Carrie Madej Warning on 2020 Covid Vaccine

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Found on No Fake News


Listen to what this Dr. is telling you about the vaccines and their actual purpose!  They are altering our DNA.  They are injecting cancer cells into our bodies.  You are being intentionally infected with various contaminants.  For God’s sake people!!  WAKE UP!!


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Author, Chuck Frank


In finding the most recent roots of anarchy and terrorism, one must look no farther than the person who was elevated to the Demi-god of the the American university community. With that said, Karl Marx is the most assigned economist in U.S. college curriculum.

The Communist Manifesto (1848) written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels represents a revolutionary philosophy that sought to encourage civil unrest and working-class revolutions throughout the the world. “The Communist Manifesto” still ranks as the most frequently assigned text in American universities and Karl Marx is also the most assigned economist in U.S. college classes to this day.


Additionally, this philosophical culture is linked to far left “intellectualism” and exists among those who are graduates from college who continue in their careers and then become teachers or politicians that will shun nationalism and individualism but then will embrace collective thought and progressivism which is now but a cover for Marxism and a centralized tyrannical government which George Orwell warned us about in his famous novel, 1984. However, college students in general still take the collectivism bait and that is one reason why Americans are still today seeing an ever increasing unrest which is being promoted by various groups who do not understand that the entire end game will be total population control with the likes of Red China while religiously tracking every person in America, using either a Real ID card or a mandated biometric vaccine data identifier or a Radio Frequency Chip imbedded into ones hand. More

Bill Gates finally tells the truth. Animation

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$100 Billion Contact-Tracing Deal Negotiated 6 months BEFORE the pandemic



The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate a $100 million government-backed contact-tracing contract in August 2019 — six months before the pandemic arrived in the United States and four months before it broke-out in China.

House Resolution 6666

TS Radio Network: Whistleblowers! with John Leckrone

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Join us live Thursday April 9, 2020 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST

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All shows will be archived and available 24/7 so you can listen at your convenience.

Hosted by Marti Oakley


Whistleblowers! Brought to you in coordination with Marcel Reid and the Whistleblowers Summit taking place July 28-31 2020, in Washington D.C.

On tonight’s show John Leckrone will be discussing how the corona virus has been used as a tool to destroy and steal wealth and change the entire economic system globally. The saying “Don’t let a good crisis go to waste” There is no “crisis” yet the propaganda agents want you to believe there is. The new world order is ready to be fully implemented with absolute control over people and the complete takeover of the economy, food distribution and mandated vaccines. This is only the beginning of the story so tune in tonight to hear what dirty little secrets your corporate masters do not want you to know.

You know this will be good!  John is one of the most educated and astute individuals out there and has massive amounts of research and documentation to prove his positions.

Biometric ID is the goal behind covid scare…among other things


Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV

Dr. Shiva Ayadurai, the inventor of email and candidate for the senate in Massachusetts, talks about the Sustainable Development Goals, signed off by the United Nations, called SDG-3 in 2015.

Based on the ignorance of Medical Doctors on the immune system and nutrition, the UN planned to use the corona virus as a hidden enemy to scare the hell out of people in order to mandate vaccinations for the “common good.” One could imagine oneself why the pandemic started in Wuhan, at a time when there were heavy protests against the pollution.

Shiva explains how politicians tend to support the big companies by regulations that don’t serve anyone but these companies and that way also supporting mandating vaccines. How the “cashless society” is being used to for top down ruling, monitoring and even controlling expenditure. And where 5G comes in. Although his way of talking is showing the sincere authentic personality of Shiva, this edited version of the original video is meant to make this video more understandable and available, for example by cutting out the many “okay’s” Shiva tends to use and the many elaborations. Here’s the link to the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BiM1..



30.2K subscribers





Covid-19 And The World Government


By Dr. John Reizer

There are multiple agendas taking place concerning the coronavirus world pandemic. This event that has, for all intents and purposes, shut down the world is being orchestrated by a world governing body that remains hidden from the public.

The powers that be running the Earth show are altering the way they manage the herd with respect to economic, social, political, and healthcare standpoints. This is why we are in the midst of a fake viral pandemic.

Most people will be unable to comprehend the fact that a world government is already in place and writes the policies of individual sovereign territories. But it’s true, and the Covid-19 fakery illustrates the strength and influence this governing body possesses.

Regardless of where you are living, you have been impacted by a plethora of draconian policies that have been implemented by a world government. The mandates have been handed down to the leaders of different nations, and those managers have obediently followed the orders. This is the way of the world whether or not you believe in or understand the hierarchy of control that currently exists.

In this article, I will briefly discuss the medical objectives the world government has demanded to be implemented by all nations.


Beyond 1984


Author, Chuck Frank


George Orwell was compelled to write the book 1984 because he had a heart for Mankind and did not want to see the “free world” end up as a tyrannical country such as the former Soviet Union or Red China.  The wish to rule with unlimited power has been the desire of the ages.  Yet, here
we are again with the people of the world and leaders, on the razors edge of tyranny because of a plague that has infected not only the body but also those keen “minds” that know the difference between reason and treason, freedom and tyranny.

“Political solutions” follow when disasters and hardships come to the surface, while at the same time, “behavioral mod” used by governments may command “conformity” on a large scale, while, at the same time, love and compassion and normal human interactions are at the crossroads.  How might America navigate through an event such as this present calamity, if the people themselves have also been infected from within by a mega-virus of being divided and disunited from each other with regard to politics and religion?  This division must stop!

If we the people are to stand and heal from such a disaster and a mighty crushing whirlwind that has swept through the country, then it is necessary that we all come together in one accord and harmony like never before, lest the entire country be lost to a loveless, surveillance, high-tech superstate, with such a magnitude that even George Orwell would roll over in his grave at the very site of it!  With that said, thankfully, the Real ID mandate has been pushed to October 1, 2121 but hopefully will be banned forever.  We are not sheep to be led to the slaughter.

Let us all now be sensitive and have true compassion for one another. Yes, and let us come and reason together and save ourselves, our loved ones and the unlovable.  Let that be our endless mission, and when historians finally lay out what America  accomplished out of love for one another, this will be a reminder to all nations of how people should act and respond when calamity strikes.  May these words inspire us to renew our faith in all that we do.  Be blessed and go forward now and forever.

Corona Virus: Biggest Deception On The Whole World EndGame Plan



We found the video at this address.  Download quickly before they force them to take it down!!


You tube has removed this video for violations of terms of service. This should make it glaringly apparent that this video contained too much of the truth and we can not have that.  I would really like to know what “terms of service” those would be?  It contained no nudity, foul language, or otherwise offensive material….oh!  wait!  Those things are A-Okay!

284K subscribers




5G is going to kill us.  The “virus” is actually cell poisoning from 5G.  Mandatory vaccines with microchips are coming.  The economy’s of the world are intentionally being destroyed.  So much info in this video.  Please take the time to listen and leave your comments letting us know what you think.

Trump to Declare a State of Emergency? Goodbye America!



By Marti Oakley


What does this mean to us?

State of emergency

Legal declaration by a government allowing assumption of extraordinary powers

A state of emergency (also known as a state of calamity in the Philippines) is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions that it would normally not be permitted. A government can declare such state during a disaster, civil unrest, or armed conflict. Such declaration alerts citizens to change their normal behavior and orders government agencies to implement emergency plans. Justitium is its equivalent in Roman law—a concept in which the senate could put forward a final decree (senatus consultum ultimum) that was not subject to dispute.

States of emergency can also be used as a rationale or pretext for suspending rights and freedoms guaranteed under a country’s constitution or basic law.

At the edge of the proverbial cliff

Here we are facing the final stage of the destruction of our country as a sovereign nation.  We, as a supposedly free people, are about to face a national Armaghedon.  Under an emergency declaration, our constitution, or what is left of our rights and protections, are cast aside to make way for the reorganizing of the worlds economies and the subjugation of all populations.  All of this achieved by the hyping up of a virus that does not meet any standard for being declared an epidemic or pandemic.

Just to make sure you reach the proper level of fear, university’s, college’s and public schools are closed in numerous locations across the country.  The common connection in each of these instances is their tie to federal funding.  Want to keep your funding?  CLOSE YOUR DOORS!  That will scare them!
