
TS Radio Network: Why dialysis is a form of Medical Slavery

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Our guest is Dr. David Moskowitz
Slavery profited enormously from people of color who were kept powerless and ignorant during their short, traumatized lives. The US government helped maintain the system. 
Dialysis claims all ethnicities but people of color go on the kidney machine two to three times more than American whites. Once on the kidney machine, a dialysis patient brings in as much as a modern day slave, $100,000 a year, to the owner of the dialysis unit. Average life expectancy on dialysis is only three years, much worse than slavery. Quality of life on dialysis is atrocious.
What makes dialysis like medical slavery is that it has been preventable since February, 1994, but nobody in healthcare will publicize it. CMS (Medicare) has been the Single Payer for dialysis since 1972, but had no interest in cutting 7% of their budget, some $35 billion a year, when I discussed my 2002 paper with them in October, 2004. Nor has any CMS Medical Director since.
It’s as if there had been no Abolitionists and no Civil War. Medically, it’s as if the iron lung industry had managed to suppress news of Jonas Salk’s vaccine, and children still come down with polio every summer. Unthinkable, but imagine if healthcare had decided to profit from polio like they continue to profit from dialysis.
For references, see:
David W. Moskowitz, MD, MA(Oxon.), FACP
CEO & Chief Medical Officer
GenoMed, Inc.
3511 N 55th Ave.
Hollywood, FL 33021
cell: 305.705.9922 (on WhatsApp)
Skype ID: dwmoskowitz

TS Radio Network: Betrayed by Hospice with Marsha Joiner – September 28, 2022 #69

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Join us Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

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917-388-4520 or listen live on the internet.

Hosted by Marsha Joiner


Guest: Suzette Husted Heathcote

No one will argue that being a care provider is tough. Sometimes family members may become tired of caring for their loved one when that person requires more assistance or maybe they are worth more dead than alive. Sound sick, sinister or cruel? You bet it does, but the fact is that it is important to pick someone you trust to be your Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA) and Financial Power of Attorney (FPOA). It may or may not be the same person but you want someone who you trust and who loves you and has your best interest at heart. You should always talk about what your wishes are in the event you cannot speak for yourself. None of us know when we may draw our last breath and while these conversations are sad and depressing they are necessary and may save your life!

We are here to help answer questions.,hospice,

Join us Wednesday, September 28, 2022 and hear Suzette Husted Heathcote share the tragic stories about losing both of her parents within 18 months. Her Dad, George Husted was 81 when he passed on January 12, 2021 and her Mom, Annette Husted was 80 when she passed on July 6, 2022. Another tragic story of a sick individual not being treasured and cared for properly by medical professions who pass the buck to hospice when it costs too much money and after all they were old so why not? And hospice is an expert at hastening death as per the book Killing for Profit – The Dark Side of Hospice by Michelle Young Doers.

Hospice counts on our ignorance so let’s turn the story around and start being smarter than the death staff are and let’s save our loved ones! These are our people and they deserve the finest treatment and are not to be ignored, harmed, tortured and murdered.

Always Remember Knowledge is Power!

917-388-4520 or listen live on the internet. 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, 8 p.m. Eastern Time Zone

TS Radio Network: Whistleblower Life with guest Marlena Fearing

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Join us September 22, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

Call in number 917-388-4520 Select #1 to speak to the host

Guest: Marlena Fearing

Listen Live HERE!

Hosted by Marti Oakley

Brought to you in coordination with Marcel Reid and Whistleblower Life.com


Marlena Fearing is a whistleblower from the public sector. She is the author of “Silenced”, a book documenting her 20 year journey through America’s corrupt systems. My Truth – “Silenced” is one of those stories, but this story will be told, come hell or high water. The complexity and frightening aspects of my story will make your skin crawl. You want to tell yourself that this simply can’t be true. It is true, every word. Every allegation is grounded in fact and evidence.

“I was a real estate broker, developer and builder. As a licensed broker l needed to uphold fair housing laws. The problem was this all white community in Minnesota did not want any minorities. I said that is against the law and refused to evict a family of black folks. They put me in jail and forcefully removed the blacks using a crooked racist judge in Washington County who ruled against me.”

It was this incidence that set everything done to me in these 20 years, into motion. If you wish to contact Marlena: Operbro@aol.com

The mountainous pile of evidence Marlena has meticulously assembled over these past 20 years is astounding. Please join us for what is sure to be a riveting show.

TS Radio Network: New Mexico Supreme Court Commission studying Guardianship Reform

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Friday August 9th, 2022 at 7:00pmCST

Callin number is 917-388-4520  Hit #1 to speak to the host

Listen Live →HERE!←

Hosted by Marti Oakley & Coz Skaife

In May of 2017, the New Mexico Supreme Court Commission studying Guardianship Reform heard testimony from an expert who spoke on behalf of professional guardians throughout the state.
Sharon Moore explained that her company, Ayudando Guardians  (the word means “helping” in Spanish)  adhered to “a model code of ethics” and had the trust of district judges. She said that the company accounts were audited once a year.   Both Sharon and her partner Susan Harris were also certified by the National Center for Certification of Guardians
Approximately 2 months later,  Sharon  and her partner, Susan Harris, were charged with a decade-long sophisticated scheme to embezzle funds from client trust accounts.  It was eventually discovered that 11 million in clients funds had been stolen.
How can such a thief be brazen enough to testify before the Supreme Court on behalf of the industry? And what does this say about the profession?    Tonight we’ll discuss this case, its outcome, and efforts in New Mexico to reform the Guardianship system.

TS Radio Network: The Lucrative Body Parts Trade: Mom & Pop Chop Shops

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Join us Friday, August 26, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

Call in # 917-388-4520 hit #1


Marcia Southwick returns along with Reverend Ralph.

Tonight we’ll discuss the lucrative body parts trade. Anyone can set up shop. All it takes is a few freezers and a chainsaw. A Tennessee broker sold a cervical spine and two heads to a Reuters investigator after a few email exchanges. A New Mexico body broker was discovered only after heads with address tags were discovered in a Kansas Medical Waste Facility truck. Authorities found 127 body parts belonging to 45 people in a New Mexico warehouse. One head belonged to Farrah Fashold’s father. She hoped that Paul Montanto, owner of New Mexico’s BioCare, would be prosecuted, but the Attorney General could not find any state laws prohibiting the sale of body parts. This has proven to be true in many states. As a result, Mom and Pop Chop Shops have grown into far bigger businesses. MediCure sells 10,000 body parts annually to various states and 22 countries. ScienceCare reaps over $27 million in yearly sales by recruiting body donors through clergy, hospices, and online ads. Many unsuspecting families who donate a loved one’s body are unaware of the huge profits being made. What is being done to regulate this grisly occupation? Not much. A bill sits in Congress going nowhere.

TS Radio Network: Pennsylvania & The failure to protect the elderly

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Tonight August 5, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST

CAll in number is 917-399-4520 Hit #1 to speak to the hosts

Listen live HERE!

TS Radio Network is sponsored by Shenanigans in Montgomery Cty. Pennsylvania Courthouse on facebook

Our guest tonight is Arlene Sandra. She and Reverend Ralph will be talking about the numerous BS  bills in Pennsylvania each of them an underhanded protection of the predators.. Two are listed below…there’s MORE!

HB 422 (Hickernell) Creates a database for tracking and criminal or civil  convictions for abuse, neglect and exploitation in care facilities..  (but does not mention professional predators or attorneys)

HB 1430 (Day) specifically expands the ability for dept. of aging, an adult protective services to civilly prosecute family members for accused criminal activity and allows the state to assume the estate and the ward in adult guardianships. Specifically to increase Medicaid pay for “professional” guardians to $300 a month per ward.

These are just two of the upcoming bills that target family members and conveniently overlooks the predators.  the 2nd bill is an obvious money maker that will be paid through taxes to the predators.  I suppose stealing an estate, selling other peoples homes, collecting the social security and/or military retirement, and/or railroad retirement wasn’t enough.

Welcome to Pennsylvania!  We take human trafficking for profit very seriously!

TS Radio Network: Brokering body parts: There’s money in them there bodies!

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Thursday August 4, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST

Call in number is 917-388-4520 hit #1 to speak to the hosts.

Listen Live HERE!

Our guest this evening is Marcia Southwick, Director of NASGA.

Each year, thousands of Americans donate their bodies believing that they are contributing to science.  In truth, however, their bodies are sold in parts for substantial profits.  Distinct from organ donations, “non-transplant tissue bank” body parts are largely unregulated. 

 A 2017 Reuters investigation revealed how easy it is to buy body parts.  A Tennessee broker sold Reuters two heads and a cervical spine after exchanging a few emails. Investigators discovered that in three years, one body broker earned over 12 million by procuring bodies and selling parts.  Many brokers use chainsaws to avoid purchasing expensive surgical saws.

Reuters found 62 funeral homes receiving kickbacks from Body Brokers. Morticians persuade poor families who can’t afford funerals that donation for scientific research is the best option for their loved ones.  However, in truth, bodies are chopped up into six parts that are sold to anyone who wants them.  In Arizona, 20 bodies were used in US Army roadside bomb experiments. Families who never suspected that profits were involved only learned the truth from a Reuters reporter who obtained records.
Tonight we’ll discuss this flourishing trade that few people know about. We’ll explore individual cases of body brokering around the country and address the history of how it all started.

TS Radio Network: Oklahoma man faces prison for defending his family PT2

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TS Radio Network


Tonight! July 31, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

Call in number is 917-388-4520 Hit #1 to speak to the host.

Listen LIVE here!


An Oklahoma man faces life in prison for defending his family. Dean Black-his wife, and pregnant daughter were terrorized by a man who was shooting up their home and stalking them for many hours due to a domestic dispute with the daughter’s ex- boyfriend. Dean Black is being charged with Assault & Battery for shooting a police officer who was allegedly trying to help them. But what’s the real truth will have you reeling and wondering if calling the police for help in Broken Arrow Oklahoma only caused more chaos and is now a set up to protect themselves. When victims are treated like criminals- where do you turn?

Tune in for Part 2 of this series tonight where Dean and Kymberli Black are fighting for their lives and refuse a plea to set this aside and move on with their lives. “I’m innocent” Dean Black

Listen to Part 1 here:

For questions or comments call (917) 388-4520 #1.

“The fight against justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and it never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. “ Frank Serpico Contact host, Tanya Hathaway at injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com or journeystojustice@outlook.com

Things that bug me


new-logo251_002Marti Oakley  2022


After many, many years of writing, almost 1800 radio shows, interviews on other stations, public speaking and assorted other things..I needed a break. Actually I was questioning whether I wanted to continue or just walk away from all of it and call it done. I decided to stick around a little longer. but several things still bug me.

1. Why do people still cling to this right v left thing? I still maintain that it is in reality a system of us against them….and us is losing. This whole system has devolved into nothing more than a means to divide the public and keep them fighting amongst themselves. It appears quite effective in diverting your attention from things that actually matter. Like, what is congress actually doing? As a political atheist I am wary of either party.

2. How did gmo crops, severely lacking in nutritional value suddenly become “bio-fortified”? So…have herbides and pesticides now become added nutritional value? Who let them get away with this obvious attempt to rebrand these worthless gmo crops? All gmo crops are about is seizing agricultural products for profit. You change the dna of the plant by adding something to it and declare you have created a whole new, non naturally occuring plant just so you can patent it and control the market? And the USDA cheered them on!

3. Thousands of families continue to expose the human trafficking and estate theft through specially created tribunals which operate outside of the law and constitutions. Children are stolen through corrupted social service agencies who profit from increasing the number of children snatched by them. The absolute silence from congress and other political factions is deafening except for the occasional bill that surfaces supposedly to exert some control over this trafficking. Bills that turn out to be endless pages of absolutely nothing beneficial. The elderly are particularly vulnerable and preyed upon by the predator class but as long as those big campaign “contributions” continue to mysteriously appear in the accounts of politicians nothing is about to change.

4. What are these political jackasses doing to avert the impending food shortage? Have they made or attempted to make any effort to ward this off? No? Why would they. After all they will still eat quite well while you don’t. And what better way to control a nation than to starve them into submission to global plans.

5. God is neither right or left. Get over it.

This is just my short list of stuff that bugs me. I would like to hear from you what bugs you? Please be civil.


TS Radio Network: Contracts and consent with John Leckrone

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February 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 when Blogtalk answers if you wish to comment

Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing the nature of contracts and consent. They will also discuss how to exercise our individual power and to stand against the tyranny using peaceful means of resistance. Lastly they will also discuss what people need to know to help each other during this time of significant change. This is open warfare that has been declared on the people of this planet by corporations. We need to stand against it.

John Leckrone and Marti Oakley are investigative journalists who expose the new world order agenda for what it is and shine the light of truth on the tyrant’s criminal agenda.

TS Radio Network: Hidden agenda’s and obscene profits from death with John Leckrone

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Monday January 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live HERE

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 when Blogtalk answers if you wish to comment

Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


Show airs at 7:00 pm CST, January 24 2012. Call in number is 917-388-4520.  Please hit #1 when Blogtalk answers if you want to speak to the hosts.

John John Leckrone and Marti Oakley this evening as they discuss the hidden agenda’s operating behind the scenes.  What are they about?  Who is implementing them and for what purpose?  What you don;t know  could kill you.

We will also be discussing the massive profits being made through the accelerated deaths of not only the elderly, but also, the chronically ill and various other segments of the population.  There is also the after death market in the selling of body parts to research labs and university’s and other special interest businesses.  Included in this are the baby’s from”abortion on demand,” and full term abortions.  The bodies of these babies are sold in part or whole with a massive monetary return.

With Hospice leading the way in the hastening death business, euthanasia is a common occurrence in these centers.  All of this funded liberally by the federal government with a big dash of state funding.

TS Radio Network: DCF a threat to family’s

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Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 when Blogtalk answers if you wish to comment

Hosted by Marti Oakley


Peggy Dupree and Betty Gosnell host Paris Golec whose child was targeted by DCF.

When Florida placed her child (Child Doe) in a fraudulent guardianship, Paris fought back.  For her child Paris won the case upon the finding that the investigator from DCF did not have probable cause.  Florida came after her and her child again, this time in an effort to take control of the monetary settlement from the first case.  The policies and mandates under Chapter 39 Proceedings are used when the Department Of Child protective services attempts to remove a child from an unsafe home.

Paris and the girls will discuss how these mandates and policies in Florida are being violated under Chapter 39, and how these things were used to harm her child.  Peggy and Betty working within the USA Guardianship Task Force will expose through their investigations the policies being violated by the Department of Children and family services.

USA Citizens Guardianship Task Force LLC

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

TS Radio Network: The Courts misuse of “jurisdiction” with John Leckrone

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Monday January 17, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 when Blogtalk answers if you wish to comment

Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


On Monday night, 17 January 2022, Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing jurisdiction, what it is, how it is given or taken and how it is used to extort and enslave people. John will also discuss how the kangaroo courts use a foreign language and fraud to get “jurisdiction” for their criminal conspiracy. John Leckrone and Marti Oakley are investigative journalists who expose the new world order agenda for what it is and shine the light of truth on the tyrant’s criminal agenda. The show begins at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain and 5 p.m. PacifHit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS Part 3 – PROGRESS IN THE BOWLES CASE

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Sunday January 16, 2022 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway



DHS sometimes kidnaps kids. Why? For profit. The nightmare , crushing and current dilemma that husband and wife Reggie and Tamsen Bowles and their young sons are going through.

Doctors and DHS pushed for vaccinations that these parents chose not to participate in for their children. This homeschooling family feels they have been targeted and lost their kids over perjured information knowing shots are not enforceable under these circumstances. So they decided the children were malnourished and neglected.

This will be a series to tell the story. Please share this with others as we are spreading this far and wide on behalf of this family that belongs together.

The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. –Frank Serpico

Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.? If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

Part 1: TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS.. DHS kidnapping kids over vaccine status

Part 2: TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS..DHS kidnapping kids for profits

TS Radio Network: Where is David Italiano? Guardianship victim.

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Friday January 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Skaife


Tonight on TS Radio we are asking that anyone who may have information on the whereabouts of David Italiano, resident of Pennsylvania, who has been seized in an unnecessary guardianship and disappeared in the system, please contact us. David has been isolated in an undisclosed location for unknown reasons. Send info to tsrad1@outlook.com

From Karen Koch...https://www.cilncp.org/.

  • PA, like many states, is quick to rush to guardianship vs. less restrictive ways to support a person. We have worked with many groups to find assistance to help David Italiano.
  • We reached out to the local Ombudsman for help but were told that there was a guardian and there was little that the Ombudsman could do. They were helpful when David requested his medical records. David wanted to know what evidence would be submitted to the court to support the need for a guardian. Sadly, this took close to 9 weeks and David received his records after the court hearing.
  • We escalated our conversation to Margaret Barajas, the PA State Long Term Care Ombudsman.
  • We had multiple meetings with her that went nowhere. We met with her supervisor, PA Sec. of Aging, Mr. Robert Torres, to request his office facilitate a meeting with the guardian.
  • I have attached communication from the Pennsylvania Council on Independent Living and the reply from the PA Dept of Aging regarding the request to meet.
  • We filed complaints with the PA Office of Civil Rights but with no signed release from David, they would not act.
  • We had the same response from the Federal Office of Civil Rights, they wanted a release to follow up on the allegation of an abusive/unnecessary guardian.
  • We had a meeting with staff from ACL to discuss the conflict of interest with the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) serving in the role of guardian. As we discussed today the AAA is his guardian, provider, Rep Payee in addition to serving as the Ombudsman and the Adult Protective Services agency for Huntingdon County.
  • At one point the AAA/Guardian told us that they would not facilitate a care plan meeting for David as it was a duplication of services to have both agencies working to help David. We explained that there is no duplication of services as we are federally funded and mandated to provide Transition Services.
  • We have reached out to PA State Rep Jeff Wheeland for help. Like many of the others, he would not get involved due to their being a guardian.
  • We contacted Senator Robert Casey’s office to request help. Both Senator Casey and his policy person for the Elderly and Disabled population, Michael Gamel-McCormick agree that the guardianship system is badly broken, there was nothing that they could offer in the way of help. Senator Casey is drafting legislation to be introduced to the 118th congress to address systemic changes that are needed to protect people from unnecessary guardianship.
  • We spoke with the Community Legal Aid office in Philadelphia, but they would not commit to helping David.
  • We filed a complaint with the PA Dept of Health that went nowhere. We were in touch with an advocate, Dr. Janet Parker. Dr. Parker is with an organization called Medical Whistle Blowers. She was very interested in helping us but without a signed release of information from David, she was not able to bring this to the attention of the United Nations.
  • We also reached out to some local press. No one would get involved due to the guardian.
  • We facilitated a meeting with David and Joe Shapiro from NPR. Again, the guardian was the reason that Mr. Shapiro would not get involved.

    I think that sums up our efforts to find David.

  • There are two things that really strike me about this situation. First is that prior to the AAA becoming his guardian, both the facility and the initial guardian, Jim Malee, were supportive of David not needing this level of care.
  • The second is that the initial guardianship was put in place “to protect him from his wife.” His wife is now deceased, she is clearly no longer a threat to David.

TS Radio Network: Betrayed by Hospice with Marsha Joiner

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Wednesday January 12, 2022 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live  →Here←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marsha Joiner


Betrayed by Hospice with Marsha Joiner – Wednesday January 12, 2022 #58V Becky Harber’s husband Hershel Harber, age 65 passed on September 14, 2021

As we cross into a new year and our 4th year of spreading the truth, we will hear from Becky Harber who will share the story of her husband Hershel who was only 65 when he passed on September 14, 2021. You will hear how Becky was misled by the medical professionals on multiple occasions and how her husband was transferred to several facilities and ultimately held hostage for 4 months away from her!

Hershel was put under guardianship by a complete stranger who didn’t know his medical history and further didn’t care. He was a pawn whose estate was drained by the facilities. The story begins in Georgia and moves to Florida as Becky attempts to seek truth and help her husband. Becky winds up being trespassed and charged with trumped up lies in an attempt to silence her from pressing charges. She continues to seek justice and is helping others whose loved ones have been put under guardianship.

The story is heartbreakingly familiar to many of us with its specific nuances with the results being another person taken while the medical field once again ignores the Hippocratic oath. Our goal is to provide information that you might not otherwise hear to protect you or your loved one from medical predators. Knowledge is Power and you have to verify what you are told because your life depends on it.

JUSTICE – Join Us Supporting The Innocent Culled Elderly

Dial 917-388-4520 or listen live on the internet. 5 p.m. Pacific, 6 p.m. Mountain, 7 p.m. Central, 8 p.m. Eastern Time Zone

If you have a story to share about a loved one taken before their time, contact me at marshajoiner2018@gmail.com

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS..DHS kidnapping kids over vaccine status

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Sunday January 9, 2021 at 7:30 CST

5:30 pm PST…6:30 pm MST … 7:30 pm CST …8:30 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway


Part 2
DHS sometimes kidnaps kids. Why? For profit.   The nightmare, crushing and current dilemma that husband and wife Reggie and Tamsen Bowles and their young sons are going through.  

Doctors and DHS pushed for vaccinations that these parents chose not to participate in for their children.  This homeschooling family has been targeted and lost their kids over perjured information knowing shots are not enforceable under these circumstances. So they decided the children were malnourished and neglected.  
This will be a series to tell the story.

Please share this with others as we are spreading this far and wide on behalf of this family that belongs together.

“The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be.  It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children.  In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. -Frank Serpico

Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.?  If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

Part 1:


TS Radio Network: Corruption abounds in probate tribunals

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Friday, December 10, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live  →Here←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Skaife


Tonight on TS Radio Network with  Coz and Marti

Join Coz and Marti as they take a look at the lies guardians and other “officers of the court” are allowed to tell and get away with.

The Ohio girls will be joining us also. Lots to report there!

We have several cases in play right now wherein the individuals involved are being terrorized via the tribunal with possible jail time in addition to financial extortion in many cases. probate tribunals are a prime example of government sanctioned racketeering for profit,. How else can you explain the abuses and other acts that violate your rights? Your senators and representatives both state and federal are fully aware of what has been taking place for decades, yet not one of them will stand up to call this racket out and put a stop to it.

Call your governor? Maybe the DOJ? Don’t waste your time.

And don’t forget the Hog Report! Coz has been inundated with reports of people who encountered the prolific Glory Hogs! Glory Hogs are the most important advocates in the world! At least according to them.  The Hog Report is sponsored by:  Shenanigans in Montgomery Cty  on Facebook.

Contact us: tsrad1@outlook.com

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS..DHS kidnapping kids for profits

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Sunday December 12, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway


Join host Tanya Hathaway as she begins a series on the kidnapping of children from families for profit.

DHS sometimes kidnaps kids. Why? For profit.  This is the crushing nightmare, and current dilemma that husband and wife Reggie and Tamsen Bowles and their young sons  are going through in Oklahoma. 

Doctors and DHS pushed for vaccinations that these parents chose not to participate in for their children.  This homeschooling family has been targeted and lost their kids over perjured information knowing shots are not enforceable under these circumstances. So they decided the children were malnourished and neglected.  
This will be a series to tell the story. Please share this with others as we are spreading this far and wide on behalf of this family that belongs together.

“The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be.  It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children.  In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. -Frank Serpico
Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.?  If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

TS Radio Network: Probate Tribunals..The corruption is rampant

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Friday, December 3, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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CAll in ;number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Skaife


Tonight on TS Radio Network with  Coz and Marti

We are nearing the end of the year and its just about break time.  We have a lot to cover and will wind down for the break on the 17th.  We will cram in as much as we can before then.

Also joining us is Elaine Mickman, Author of  “Court-Gate…the Courts “Divorced from the Law” : Without Liberty or Justice at all” This book written from personal experience in the family court system where corruption is business as usual. 

Coz will give us this weeks Hog Report.  The Hog Report has become one of the most popular segments of the shows.  Seems everybody has encountered them!

The Hog Report is sponsored by Shenanigans in Montgomery Cty on Facebook


TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS When no one else will

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November 30, 2021 at 7:30 CST

5:30 pm PST…6:30 pm MST … 7:30 pm CST …8:30 pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway


More on OMICRON- are we following the science?

What’s the real agenda for the new TETNUS SHOT

GHISLAiNE MAXWELL- on trial for her part on child – sex trafficking

Compared to a year ago where are the FEMA CAMPS at now?


Join Marti Oakley, Stephen Burke, and James Treat along with your host, Tanya Hathaway.

Do you have an opinion or a talking point? We will be taking calls tonight. (917) 388-4520 press #1 when the system picks up.

The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. –Frank Serpico

Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.? If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS Results of a corrupt government or pure stupidity? Both?

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 Sunday November 28, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway







Results of a corrupt government or pure stupidity? Both?

Do you have an opinion or a talking point? We will be taking calls tonight. (917) 388-4520 press #1 when the system picks up.

The fight for justice is never easy. It never has been, and it never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity. –Frank Serpico

Do you have a story that you would like to share that involves public wrongdoing? Would you like to volunteer or contribute to Journeys To Justice, Inc.? If you would, please reach out to Tanya Hathaway at journeystojustice@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals?

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by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News


Since the roll out of the experimental COVID-19 shots began we have reported many sad stories of medical professionals dying or being crippled by the experimental shots. Healthy, young people deaths have also soared in recent weeks.

The corporate media tries to hide these stories because it is bad business for their main sponsors—large pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer—who take out ads in publications of pointless value for them in order to control what that publication or station can or can’t say. Corporate media usually blames the deaths of doctors on the COVID virus itself, not the shot that killed them.

Above is a sampling of medical doctors who have died suddenly or unexpectedly after receiving a COVID-19 shot whose vaccination status went unmentioned. If this is just a sampling from hospitals who’ve required staff members to take the Covid shot, then those hospitals could be in trouble personnel wise, given that unvaccinated medical doctors and staffs who’ve refused to take the jab and have been fired or quit due to the hospitals mandatory COVID-19 vaccine shot. More

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS..BIO WEAPON OR VACCINE

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 Sunday November 16, 2021 at 7:30 CST

5:30 pm PST…6:30 pm MST … 7:30 pm CST …8:30 pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway with James Treat and Stephen Burke



Join James Treat and Stephen Burke, regular contributors of Tanya TalkS.
Call in for your voice to be heard.  917-388-4520 hit #1 when blogtalk answers.

There continues to be compelling EVIDENCE that the so- called vaccine is really a BIO- WEAPON.
A nurse has the bio- weapon live to show others it was safe and she passed out in front of millions. What was to come of her? Did you know she died?
Anthony Fauci is a bold faced liar. Do you want to know why if you don’t already?
Why is this happening? What is the motive?

TS Radio Network: John Leckrone crypto currencies, central bank digital currency

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5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with John Leckrone


On Monday night, 15 November 2021, Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing occult (hidden) knowledge.  Messages are being sent to all of us every day.  If you know how to read the daily headlines you can actually see what is really going on.  It is a ritualistic mocking of the intended victims.  John will be discussing the Astroworld fiasco, crypto currencies and central bank digital currencies, propaganda and trauma based mind control, the sacrificing of people as well as hope for our future.  The battle is raging but the tyrants are fast losing their momentum.  The push back has been fierce and people are finally awakening to the global tyranny of this slave based system. By preparing we can help each other through this and rebuild a much better world on the other side of this global economic reset and totalitarian new world order agenda.   Knowledge is power so you won’t want to miss this show.

John Leckrone and Marti Oakley are investigative journalists who expose the new world order agenda for what it is and shine the light of truth on their criminal plans.  The show begins at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain and 5 p.m.

TS Radio Network: There is no “immunity” for judges

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Friday October 22, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Skaife


Tonight on TS Radio, Elaine Mickman returns to discuss so-called immunity for judges and other officers of the court. How many times have we seen “judges” remove, conceal or otherwise tamper with records and reports in probate? The mutilation of cases at the hands of these “not really a judge”, individuals is staggering. But since they aren’t really officers of any legitimate court, what can you do? Is someone going to have to admit these are not courts of law to make them exempt from Title 18. supposedly?

Either that, or we have a good case for fines, imprisonment and disqualification of probate hearing examiners, attorneys and other personnel working for and associated with these kangaroo courts.

Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure Part-1 Chap. 101- Records and Reports

18 USC 2071 Concealment, Removal, or mutilation of Records and Reports generally carries

fines, imprisonment and disqualification of office which is for any government officer of the court

usurping their sworn legal duty to abide by federal law. Supremacy Clause Article VI Clause 2.

Biffle v Morton Rubber Indus., Inc. 785 S.W. 2d 143, 144 (Tex. 1990)

TS Radio Network: Oklahoma prison conditions & ODOC propaganda

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 Sunday October 17, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00 pm EST

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CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway


CAll in number: 917-388-4520  Press #1 to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway


Why has Northfork Correctional Facility been on lockdown since September 3rd-

The Bloods & The UABS: Why punish the full population when they can separate the troublemakers-

Who is REALLY running these prisons…inside?

Where are the weapons and other contraband coming from?


TS Radio Network: USA Guardianship Task Force

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Wednesday, August 28, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Skaife


Join Coz and Marti as they host Peggy Dupree and Betty Gosnell. Both ladys are the sisters to Debbie Gosnell Balch, who passed recently due to covid. This show is presented as way to honor their sister’s memory.

Our guests will be talking about why it is critical for everyone to have in place a living will and P.O.A.

Also at issue are hospital Covid laws that can harm a patient if emergency guardianship is filed by the hospital physician. Florida senate bill 994 can help a physician cover up medical errors that will never be disclosed to the wards family preventing them from seeking punitive damages.

Even with all the recent exposure regarding the trafficking of individuals through these corrupt probate courts, legislators in every state are doing everything they can to facilitate the traffickers, providing them legal cover for their insidious business.

Australia Rises Up and Fights Back

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Australians were disarmed about 15 years ago.  Every weapon had to be turned in to the government.  Thinking the public had no way to fight back and assured that the public felt totally disempowered, the Australian government has attempted a total hostile overthrow, using the Covid Scamdemic and health tyranny as cover.  To further the destruction of the Australian economy all trades were shut down; an action that brought the people to their feet and to the streets.  Watch the video above to see the fighting spirit of the Australians.  They refuse to submit. 

The MELBOURNE PROTEST video you need to see

We stand in full support of the people in Australia who are fighting back against tyranny, 

TS Radio Network: A Man’s Life is Spared with Melissa Hurry

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Tuesday September14, 2021 at 7:30 CST

5:30 pm PST…6:30 pm MST … 7:30 pm CST …8:30 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway




You won’t want to miss tonight’s show as we discuss an unprecedented action to spare the life of Julius Jones with Ethics Expert, Malissa Hurry,

And you will want to tune in to hear Advocates and Public Speakers, Stephen Burke & James Treat as their hundreds of hours of research comes to the surface once again.

We will take calls the last 30 minutes of this 2-hour special. Dial (917-388-4520) #1 if you have a question for your host, Tanya Hathaway or her guests.

“The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity.” Frank Serpico

Do you have a verified story to share; or an idea for a topic about the health and well-being of and for us-The People? What about something inspirational and motivating or ideas for solving a problem. Would you like to get involved with advocacy? CONTACT: tanyatalks@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

TS Radio Network: Technocracy, Corporatocracy and Transhumanism

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Monday August 23, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley & John Leckrone


On Monday night, 23 August 2021, Marti Oakley and John Leckrone will be discussing technocracy, corporatocracy and transhumanism. The dystopian future the crime syndicate has planned for this planet is a very dark experience for present and future generations. Using trauma based mind control people are being turned into cyborgs which can be controlled and manipulated for profit. This complete and total slave system is superior to any previous historical experiences as it is total tyranny. This technocratic system is economic, genetic and totalitarian by it’s very nature.

John Leckrone and Marti Oakley are investigative journalists who expose the new world order agenda for what it is and shine the light of truth on their criminal agenda.

The show begins at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain and 5 p.m. Pacific.

TS Radio Network: Lisa Belanger & Marcia Southwick ask…A network of predators?

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Wednesday 18, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley


Join Lisa Belanger and Marcia Southwick as they give their thoughts on the Britany Spears case an the changing of the proverbial guard.  Her father might be stepping down, but all this means is a new conservator will be taking his place.  One more likely to know how to navigate the corrupt probate system.  Why didn’t this new attorney petition to end the conservatorship?  Has he called for an audit of her estate? Who will be allowed to continue siphoning money from the estates and why? So many questions, so few honest answers.

Spoiler Alert:  “Dad” isn’t stepping down!  HE has filed an objection.  After all, how will he maintain his lifestyle if he is no longer able to access her funds?

We will also be covering the ongoing Netflix debacle.  Why did they pull the Dirty Money episode, Guardians Inc?  What happened to the lawsuits? 


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The annual WHISTLEBLOWERS SUMMIT – normally in DC but this year it will be held virtually – has begun!
Every year, we are most anxious for Marti Oakley’s panel on guardianship abuse. This year MARTI’S PANEL WILL BE WEDNESDAY, 7/28 AT HIGH NOON EST! The virtual event is free but you must register to view it. A video showing how to REGISTER and access the various panels is at this URL: https://www.whistleblowersummit.com/summit-schedule
Here’s a summary of what Marti’s panel will be discussing: Guardianship Abuses (T.S. Network)
“We will discuss the Guardianship system, the legal and psychological abuse the victim is subjected to, and what changes are needed. The legislation that has passed along with pending legislation both national and international guardianship issues. We will discuss the predatory nature of guardianship and the prosecution of the predators. Many do not know that Guardianship is the loss of all legal capacity. It is now coming to the public’s attention with the recent Britney Spears case. But this has been an ongoing issue for decades. And our panel of advocates and victims has been at the forefront of seeking justice for well over a decade.
In coordination with the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse (NASGA) we have contributed to legislation, met with senators and representatives, and publicly exposed the issues for more than a decade via the radio shows and numerous articles and multiple web pages. We are now actively working with groups internationally who are encountering the same issues and we are forming a global coalition. We have created a platform for those victimized, their families and friends, to give them a voice.”
Marti Oakley, Activist and advocate on issues of guardianship abuse;
Marsha Joiner, Family member of abuse victim;
Christine (Kris) Dallas, with the Australian Association to STOP Guardianship & Administration Abuse (AASGAA);
Coz Whitten-Skaife, Family member of abuse victim; and
Mary Witten, Liaison for the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse (NASGA)

TS Radio Network: Invasion of the Body Brokers

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Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley


Tonight on TS Radio: Marcia Southwick reports on the selling of body parts that takes place behind the scenes. If you are among the poor, the likely-hood that you will be “parted out” is very high. The market for human body parts is largely unregulated, and business is brisk!

Describing themselves as “non-transplant tissue banks”, these body brokers conduct a very lucrative business that can be a whole body—or just parts of it. According to the recent Reuters article,


Generally, a broker can sell a donated human body for about $3,000 to $5,000, though prices sometimes top $10,000. But a broker will typically divide a cadaver into six parts to meet customer needs. Internal documents from seven brokers show a range of prices for body parts: $3,575 for a torso with legs; $500 for a head; $350 for a foot; $300 for a spine.”

As I have said repeatedly, we have been commodified. Now in addition to buying and selling us through various government programs, they now have a way to profit from us even after death. Please join us for what is sure to be a remarkable show!

TS Radio Network: Whistleblower’s w/Marcel Reid

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Join us Thursday July 15, 2021 At 7:00 CST

5:00 PST….6:00 MST…7:00 EST…8:00 EST

Listen Live HERE!

Call in # 917-388-4520

Please hit #1 to speak to the host and guest.

All shows are archived so you may listen at your convenience

Hosted by Marti Oakley


This evening, Marcel Reid, founder of the Whistleblower Summit an annual event in Washington D.C., joins the show.

Topics will be the upcoming Summit (July 26-30) including the film festival. The Summit is a very successful event drawing more than a thousand attendees each year. The event is free and is open to the public and will be again when all these restrictions are lifted. This year’s Summt will again be live on Zoom.

Also, we will be talking about legal abuse syndrome. This syndrome is very similar to ptsd. People traumatized by the corruption and abuse within our judicial system come away injured. The disbelief that the system could be so openly corrupt, yet allowed to continue without interference is more than many people can endure.

TS Radio Network: Judicial Criminals w/Christine Morrison

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Friday July 8, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley with Coz Skaife


Our guest is: Christine Morrison author of “Judicial Criminals”

I want to tell my story to the world to effectuate broader change for all in state/federal courts. My civil rights ended when I entered family court. I want to testify in the United States Congress on behalf of all victims of legal system fraud. Macomb County Circuit Court, Family Court entered a non-consented  “settlement agreement” (3-non-consented judgments) and illegally subjected me to parental alienation, unjust/inappropriate child support enforcement, (4) bench warrants (no bond), the loss of my home and all contents (ex-parte), professional licenses, retirement accounts by an attorney malpractice trial, and life savings for parental rights. I could have lost my occupational licenses by having bench warrants on my record:  www.judicialcriminal.com 

JUDICIAL CRIMINALS The greatest fraud upon American society America's Legal System Available HERE

An Alabama Probate Judge Gave My Mother a Life Sentence


By Nancy Gregory-McLendon (formerly Nancy Scott)
June 15, 2021 – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

I am definitely my mother’s daughter. We shared a profession (retired school teachers), a love of reading, writing, and travel. My mother was a true fighter; you don’t live to be 103 years old without having a will to live.

My mom took care of me when I was young and, as the years passed, our roles shifted as I became her caregiver. For 30 years, my mom trusted me to act as her Power of Attorney for financial and medical matters. We thought we had prepared for the inevitable – I would be responsible for managing her affairs when the time came – but we were about to learn otherwise.

What I didn’t know, (and who would know this ahead of time?) was the guardian and conservatorship arena is no place for the uninformed. The phrase, “If you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room” couldn’t be more wrong when it comes to guardianships.

In America, a judge can determine a person to be incapacitated and take away their civil liberties with shockingly little evidence. A judge can also ignore a power of attorney or health care directive and appoint a person of their choosing instead. A guardian can liquidate property and belongings and take percentage of the proceeds as a commission. The guardian can also isolate their ward (victim) from friends and family.

My mom and I did not seek assistance from the Jefferson County Probate Court, but that didn’t stop them from taking charge of her life. More

TS Radio Network: Tanya TalkS: Let’s Talk About It

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Tuesday June 22, 2021 at 7:30 CST

5:30 pm PST…6:30 pm MST … 7:30 pm CST …8:30 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Tanya Hathaway



-Voter rolls- dead people

-Execution of a couple (one dead one in critical condition) for flying Puerto Rican flag

-Blatant lies out of the mouth of certain politicians –do they really believe it themselves?

– 3000 “vaccinated” in Massachusetts got COVID-19

– Heart problems for our youth via the “vaccine”

– Pro Sports and politics- a downward spiral

– Elite college athletes- will they start to get paid-legally…

– Is it really education?

– DC Statehood?

ROUND TABLE- To be a part of the conversation, call (917) 388-4520 #1 if you would like to share your view!

The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be.  It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity.” Frank Serpico

Do you have a verified story to share; or an idea for a topic about the health and well-being of and for us-The People?  What about something inspirational and motivating or ideas for solving a problem.  Would you like to get involved with advocacy? 

CONTACT: tanyatalks@outlook.com or injusticeinoklahoma@gmail.com

TS Radio Network: Attempted Extortion of Lisa Belanger

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Thursday June 3, 2021 at 7:00 CST

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST …8:00pm EST

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All shows are archived so you can listen at your convenience.

CAll in number is 917-388-4520

Hit #1 if you wish to speak to the host.

Hosted by Marti Oakley


Whistleblowers is brought to you in coordination with Marcel Reid and the Whistleblowers Summit.

Lisa Belanger returns tonight to update on the latest from Massachusetts BAR Board of Overseers members, who have decided, that since they successfully got her sanctioned for outing them on the corruption, to now openly taunting her about it. It doesn’t stop there! A recent letter makes clear they intend to extort her for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Claiming fees of $278,907.63 to Attorney Patricia Keane Martin, and $131,220.00 to Lisa M. Cukier, one has to wonder what moumental work they performed and why they believe Lisa should pay them for it?

Lisa did file to be John Sanovich’s attorney of record, but was denied. And, as we all know too well, John’s estate was hit with fees for these two attorneys, and with no caps on fee charges we can only imagine what it cost the estate.  The hearing lasted only about 1o minutes tops.

Tune in as we take a look at the ugly under belly of those who practice “the law”.

TS Radio Network: The Abduction of Shelley Thomson

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Join us tonight May 28, 2021 at 7:00 pm CST!

5:00 pm PST..6:00 pm MST..7:00 pm CST..8:00 pm EST

Listen live →HERE!←

Call in # 917-388-4520 press #1 to speak to the hosts

All shows are archived so you may listen at your convenience.

Hosted by Marti Oakley and Coz Skaife


In January, 2019, Shelley Thomson was abducted from her home in New Braunfels, Texas under color of law. She was falsely accused of being “incapacitated” and assigned to Texas Health and Human Services (HHSC) as her guardian. She was moved to a nursing home, and her house and other possessions sold to cover guardian and nursing home expenses, as well as legal costs to keep her “incarcerated.” Her human and legal rights have been abrogated, and she undergoes daily abuse, including malnutrition, isolation, denial of exercise, involuntary or hidden drugging, neglect, and a long list of other abuses. Shelley is a scientist, articulate, has career ambitions, and advocates for herself daily against all odds in a corrupt probate system. 

Shelley’s attorney, Phil Ross, has volunteered to liberate her because he believes a grave injustice has been committed. After 2 years, about 300 legal filings and appeals, he recently filed several motions, including permission for Shelley to have access to what little cash is left in her account so she can continue to defend herself; preventing the state of Texas from using that money for prepaid funeral expenses; asking for damages for using the funeral gambit as a form of illegal retaliation against Shelley and Phil; asking the court for a fair mental examination; moving the jurisdiction to a fairer state probate court; requesting a jury trial; and restoring Shelley’s capacity so she can be released from guardianship. 

A court hearing on these motions is scheduled for Thursday June 3 at 9:00 am CDT, New Braunfels, Texas time. Zoom Link:  https://txcourts.zoom.us/j/5022885368

(Reference: https://www.co.comal.tx.us/CCLaw/DocketsCCL2.htm ) 

This hearing is open to the public, and we invite all to attend. Irrespective of the ruling, during the hearing (but most likely after the hearing after the judge leaves the courtroom), there will be an opportunity to comment and present evidence, and this will go into the record.

For further information about the history of this case, and for fundraising support, please visit:  




Fundraising: https://www.gofundme.com/f/free-shelley-from-guardianship-elder-abus

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