
Proof of Chemtrails in 1971!


When I first saw chemtrails with my own eyes, in January 2008, it was after some nine months of having researched the subject, seeing hundreds of videos and still images by others, some of them proving the existence of chemtrails in the 1990s. So I knew that, even though I had never seen them then, millions of others had. More

How the Elite Intend to Achieve Their 90% Reduction in Population


Gary Rea (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved


This is how the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.”

T.S. Eliot


Many imagine an Orwellian nightmare world in which people will be rounded up and shot en mass, like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pohl Pot disposed of their “undesirables.” However, the actual means by which the elite will achieve their 90% reduction in world population will be much subtler than that – and you won’t even see it coming.

In fact, the job is already half done. The abortions, sterilzations, contraception and the effects of social engineering that have occurred over the last fifty years have already taken their toll and the effects of this will continue well into this century.

While some who consider themselves to be aware are railing against “zero population growth” policies, the fact is that the nations of the developed West have already passed the threshold of “zero population growth,” years ago, and are now into population decline.

The effects of this can be seen mostly in Europe, in particular, Russia and Germany, but it affects the whole of Europe. Also affected is Japan and the deaths that have occurred from the recent earthquakes and tsunamis there, as well as those that will result from radiation, only add to the problem. Not only is population decline occurring in Europe and Japan, but also in the United States, Australia, Asia, Mexico, and even in the Middle East, contrary to the popularly held idea that the Third World’s population is “exploding.” This is all being driven by the same factors affecting birth rates in western nations, of course, as these factors are indiscriminate and global.

Thus, it is a demographic fact that, by 2050, the world’s population will plateau at 9 billion and then precipitously drop like a rock throughout the remainder of the century. This is not a “theory,” it is not even a prediction. It is a fact and is guaranteed to occur, due to the aforementioned means of population reduction that have already happened.

But, this is to say nothing of the effects that will be added to this by the current covert means of depopulation that we are being continually assaulted with right now. Aside from the usual effects of the toxic food, water and air we take in, there is the unseen specter of Bisphenol-A (BPA), which is used as a softener in plastics, from the toys your child plays with to the plastic wrap you put last night’s GMO leftovers in. BPA, which is virtually unavoidable if you live in the modern world at all, is everywhere and is responsible for ensuring a large part of the decline in births by rendering the males of all species sterile.

So, while it is inevitable that the population will decline throughout the twenty-first century, the decline will be greatly accelerated and deepened by the hundreds of chemical and biological agents we come in contact with on a daily basis.


Removing Our Blinders


Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


“We begin life with the world presenting itself to us as it is. Someone – our parents, teachers, analysts – hypnotizes us to see the world and construe it in the right way. These others label the world, attach names and give voices to the beings and events in it, so that thereafter, we cannot read the world in any other language or hear it saying other things to us. The task is to break the hypnotic spell, so that we become undeaf, unblind and multilingual, thereby letting the world speak to us in new voices and write all its possible meanings in the new book of our existence. Be careful in your choice of hypnotists.” — Sidney Jourard More

Psychotronic Weapons – Part II


Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010


In my article Psychotronic Weapons, I covered various “non-lethal” electronic and electromagnetic weapons systems that are used to target individuals or crowds and have the effects of altering behavior and emotional states by affecting the brain and central nervous system.

Adding to that, there are certain specific weapons systems, that have all been developed out of the Reagan era SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) program, also known as “Star Wars,” which featured kinetic and directed-energy weapons, including microwave weapons.

One of these is called MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio). You may recall another article I wrote, Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) and the All-Digital Broadcast TV Signal – Connection?, in which I covered the military use of “Silent Sound” technology, developed in the 1980s by the U.S. Department of Defense. Well, MEDUSA is a further extension of this technology, based upon the well-established “microwave auditory effect” (MAE), also known as Voice to Skull. It works by means of beamed microwave radiation which produces a strong auditory sensation within the victim’s head, and can be used to transmit voices and other sounds directly into the victim’s head, creating psychological distress and what has been termed “synthetic telepathy” or “microwave hearing,” which is also currently under development by the U.S. Department of Defense in the form of electromagnetic mind control helmets for U.S. troops.

MAE was developed by Professor James C. Lin, of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The “voice to skull” technology that has arisen from MAE was developed under the direction of the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the same people who, in concert with the CIA and the NSA, brought us such wonderful developments as HAARP and Project Clean Sweep (see number 10 on list). While MAE is portrayed to the public as being a “non-lethal” weapons technology, it is being used as a tool of long range psychological warfare, directed, not at “enemy” troops or populations, but at American citizens.

Part of the admitted use of these technologies is crowd control, through what the military and police like to call “pain compliance” (AKA torture). Microwave radiation is beamed, via a microwave cannon, directly into a crowd, or at selected individuals to cause pain via rapid heating of the water molecules within the skin, which creates intense heat.

With the admission by the Department of Defense that it is actively creating such weaponry, as well as electromagnetic mind control technologies, it is no longer a secret that such technologies not only exist, but have existed for decades. Why?

Mind Control & “Full Spectrum Dominance”


Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Most of us have heard the military’s term “full spectrum dominance.” We have heard it defined, basically, as “a military concept whereby a joint military structure achieves control over all elements of the battlespace using land, air, maritime and space based assets.” However, those in the military are rarely poetic and are not given to using metaphors, as a rule. They are very blunt, very direct. Given that, could it be the use of the word spectrum is more literal?

Dept. of Defense 
The electromagnetic spectrum “is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation,” according to Wikipedia. I submit that it is this quite literal spectrum the Department of Defense is referring to.

The reason I believe this to be the case is because the global dominance of land, air, sea and space isn’t enough for full control of the world, which is, of course, the real objective referred to by the term “full spectrum dominance.” But, that control, in order to be absolute, must also – must especially – include the full control of the electromagnetic spectrum and all that is affected by it. More

Think Monopolism Ended with the Anti-Trust Act? Think Again!

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Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Proof positive that monopoly capitalism is still alive and well, and growing worldwide, arrived in my mailbox this morning in the form of my latest Comcast statement. I have internet access, only, yet Comcast has now added TV service – without my having ordered it and against my wishes – and they have more than doubled my usual rate.

Instead of charging an additional $30 or so for TV access, they tacked on a nominal charge of $1.99 for the TV service and doubled the rate for internet access so that, now I’ll be paying the same for internet access as I would have paid before for both services. Thus, my statement has gone from last month’s $31.92 to $67.61 – all without notice or permission from me! Of course, my only recourse is to either pay the bill or cancel my service altogether, which I cannot do, as I need the service for my communications. Even my phone (Magic Jack) requires cable internet access. Without internet access, I can’t prospect for a job or contact employers. I can’t stay in touch with my friends and relatives, either. So, now I have no choice but to pay the bill in order to continue my service. More

The Matrix of Control


Gary Rea (c)Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Our prehistoric ancestors were hunter-gatherers. They lived in and with nature, as a part of it. All of their time and efforts were spent in hunting and gathering food, creating shelter, clothing, tools and all the necessities of their survival. They were more free, in the truest sense of the word freedom, than any human beings have been since.

Some ten thousand years ago, this all began to change as humans began to cultivate wild grains and to domesticate animals. As agriculture replaced hunting and gathering, a new paradigm was entered into. No longer were humans nomadic, following the herds of animals they subsisted on. Now they were tied to the land they farmed and permanent settlements became the norm. Out of these early settlements grew the first villages, which evolved into towns, then cities, then city-states. More

Police State in Waiting


Gary Rea (c) copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Despite what is known about current abuses of the Bill of Rights, the United States is actually a latent police state, waiting to happen. All that is necessary to make it a fully overt police state is a single declaration of a “state of emergency” from the President of the United States – whomever he may be.
Thanks to a plethora of subversive measures taken by past and present Presidents, as well as Congress (made possible by the Rothschild employed authors of the Constitution, itself), the United States is now poised upon the brink of oblivion. Aside from the many U.N. treaties signed by Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush and now Obama, ceding U.S. sovereignty to a rapidly coalescing world government, the most dangerous and insidious of these measures has been a long list of Executive Orders signed by a succession of Presidents:

  • Executive Order 12148: Created FEMA More

The World Religion Is Already Here


Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


The World Religion is already here. In fact, it’s been here for quite some time. The Bahá’í Faith, had its beginnings with the Báb’s May 23, 1844 declaration in Shiraz, Iran. The Báb was a Messianic figure whose coming, according to Bahá’ís, was announced in the scriptures of all of the world’s great religions, and whom Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í Faith, claimed to be in 1863. Mírzá Husayn `Alí Núrí was one of the early followers of the Báb, who later took the title of Bahá’u’lláh. He was arrested and imprisoned for this involvement in 1852. While imprisoned in Iran, he received the first intimations that he was the one anticipated by the Báb.

Fast forward to 1937, when Shoghi Effendi launched a seven year plan for the Bahá’ís of North America, followed by another in 1946. In 1953, he launched the first international plan, the Ten Year World Crusade. This plan included extremely ambitious goals for the expansion of Bahá’í communities and institutions, the translation of Bahá’í texts into several new languages, and the sending of Bahá’í pioneers into previously unreached nations. The World Christian Encyclopedia, 2001, estimated 7.1 million Bahá’ís in the world in 2000, representing 218 countries.

The Bahá’í Faith is the most likely candidate for the World Religion, as it is an interfaith organization, that is to say, it is deliberately structured to include all the world’s religions and, thus, ultimately replace them all.

The Death of the Republic Revisited – Part III

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Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


In The Death of the Republic Revisited, I covered the constitutional loopholes that gave Congress the power to decide the powers of the Supreme Court and the federal court system, and how this lead to the most abusive – and untouchable – of the three branches of our government. In The Death of the Republic Revisited – Part II, I covered the constitutional loopholes that have allowed Congress several means of escaping any real checks by the Judicial Branch or the Executive Branch. Now, I turn my attention to the constitutional loopholes that have allowed the Executive Branch to be become dictatorial.

Aiding the Congress’ ability to make the Judiciary untouchable is the President’s sole power to appoint Supreme Court justices for life. The only check on this ability lies with the Senate, which has the right of review of any appointees. As we’ve seen in recent years, however, collusion between the Senate and the President render this so-called “check” a joke. Again, as I said in my previous articles, the federal government’s three branches work in concert as a single symbiotic entity. In other words, there are no real “checks and balances” at all. If the President and the Senate have a vested interest in a particular appointee to the court, there is no means for the House of Representatives, the states, or the people to stop the appointment and, once made, there is no power in any of the branches – not even the Executive – to remove a justice except by impeachment for criminal offenses. This has rarely happened in the 223 years since the Constitution created the three branches.

As mentioned in Part II, the Congress is empowered to use treaties to make U.S. citizens subject to foreign laws. The President, also, possesses this power, in concert with Congress, and one of the worst recent offenders was President Bill Clinton, who used his treaty-signing powers frequently to cede U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF and the World Court. This has been continued by Presidents Bush and Obama.

But, the main loophole in the Constitution – which was deliberately placed there by the Federalists, many of whom desired to make the President a monarch – that gives the President unchecked dictatorial powers is his sole ability to create Executive Orders and “signing statements.”

The power of the President to make Executive Orders is exclusively limited to the Executive Branch, as the term implies. Neither the Judiciary nor the Legislative branches are empowered to rescind or repeal an Executive Order. Effectively, the President may create new law in this manner, in direct violation of the Legislative Branch’s supposed monopoly on law-creation. Once signed by the President, an Executive Order has the full force of law without any approval by Congress.

Furthermore, the President may use his Executive Order power to not only create new law, but to effectively negate existing laws that have been created by Congress. In fact – and this is the most dangerous aspect of Executive Orders – the President may override the Constitution, itself, the very document that gives him these powers, this is all by the Federalists’ design!

The power of the Executive Order can be used for good or ill, depending upon the particular motives and whims of a sitting President. An example of the “good” would be President John F. Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110, which would have effectively abolished the Federal Reserve, thus ending the international banking cartel’s stranglehold upon our government.

The trouble has been that very few Executive Orders have been of the “good” variety and most – especially those created by recent Presidents – have been thoroughly tyrannical. A few cases in point are:

Executive Order 12148: Created FEMA

Executive Order 10990: Allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

Executive Order 10995: Allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

Executive Order 10997: Allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

Executive Order 10998: Allows the government to take over all food resources and farms

Executive Order 11000: Allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision

Executive Order 11011: Allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions

Executive Order 11002: Designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons

Executive Order 11003: Allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft

Executive Order 11004: Allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

Executive Order 11005: Allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities

Executive Order 11051: Specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

Executive Order 11310: Grants authority to the Department of Justice and enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

Executive Order 11049: Assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period. allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanism of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in US financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation.

This is only a partial listing of some of the Executive Orders that directly affect the freedoms and liberties of all citizens and which, effectively, make the President a dictator.

The Death of the Republic Revisited – Part II


Gry Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


In my previous article, The Death of the Republic Revisited, I addressed the loopholes deliberately placed in the Constitution to enable Congress to give the Supreme Court and the federal court system whatever powers it chose to, and how it took full advantage of this to create a third branch of the federal government – the Judiciary – that can do whatever it pleases without any interference from the states or the people and with very few controls by the President or the Congress that created its powers.

In this installment, I will point out the Constitution’s loopholes that leave Congress unrestrained, thus putting the lie to the concept of “checks and balances.”

In addition to Congress’ powers to define the limits of the Supreme Court and federal courts, Congress is empowered to also create tribunals without juries. For examples of this, think of tax court, OSHA hearings, hearings of the EPA and other federal agencies. Similarly, the states, which have all modeled their constitutions after the Federalists’ Constitution, have done the same and one of the best examples of this are the “family courts” in each state, which, without a jury or trial, can remove children from their parents on the flimsiest evidence without any recourse left to the parents. More

Illinois HB5832: Carry a Gun without FOID, Go to Prison

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Gary Rea (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Incredibly, the Illinois General Assembly has passed a new bill, HB5832, which would make it a crime punishable by 1 to 3 years in prison just for carrying a gun without a Firearm Owner ID Card (FOID). Just the FOID is an infringement of the Second Amendment and, thus a violation of the Constitution, in itself. Therefore, HB5832, yet a further infringement, is an illegitimate law based upon another totally illegitimate law. More

Michael Bloomberg Wants Your Guns

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New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, among others, wants to infringe your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms if you are on the Federal “No Fly” list.

“So what?,” you say, “I’m not on the No Fly list.” Really? How sure are you about that when over a million Americans have been added to the list since it began and has been growing by 20,000 people every month? Even the late Senator Edward Kennedy found himself on the list.

America to be Disarmed by 2012


Gry Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Like her UN treaty-signing husband, Bill Clinton, who signed away large chunks of U.S. sovereignty to the UN and the World Court during his years as President, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is following in his footsteps. Her latest act of treason is to arrange and plan, with the UN, for the surrender of U.S. sovereignty and the stripping of our fundamental right to self-defense by the year 2012.

Specifically, the Arms Trade Treaty Resolution, which will affect 152 nations and the United States, establishes dates for a 2012 UN Conference aimed at eliminating our right to keep and bear arms. Even former UN ambassador and NWO hack John Bolton has warned that the UN “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there’s no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”

To clarify this danger, let’s look at Article VI, Section 2 of the Constitution:

“This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”

What this means is that the Senate can sign a treaty with any nation or with the United Nations and this would immediately give the federal government municipal police powers. In other words, whatever the treaty mandates for all signatories to it becomes enforceable law within the United States, overriding all existing laws and the Constitution and this would be enforcible everywhere within the United States, including  every state, county and city. More

The Death of the Republic Revisited


by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


In my article, How the American Republic Died at Philadelphia in 1787 I showed, with quotes from the Federalists and Anti-Federalists, alike, how our original constitution, the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union (1781) was illegally scrapped and replaced with a new Constitution (1787), which formed a wholly new government – one which was deliberately designed to grow into the fascistic behemoth we see today. Here, I will go into the various ingenious ways in which the Federalists designed the Constitution to achieve that end, all while making it appear as though our liberties were safeguarded.

First, though, I think it is necessary to point out exactly how and why this subterfuge was illegal, in the first place. The best way of doing so is to simply examine the wording of Article VIII, Section 1 of the Articles of Confederation, which says:

“And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every state, and the union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every state.” More

Caution: Writing to Your Congressman May Be an Act of Violent Aggression!

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by: Gary Rea (c)Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


The government and media’s attempts to brand ordinary American citizens exercising their constitutionally “protected” rights continues with the latest attempt being the claim that writing letters to have elected officials (in this case governors) removed from office is somehow “stirring up” potential “violence.” Never mind that any violence that might ensue from this will probably be perpetrated by the government against the people exercising their rights.

The letters in question supposedly come from an obscure patriot group calling itself Guardians of the Free Republics. The odd thing is, in the AP wire story about this horrendous act, the Guardians of the Free Republics is only mentioned by name once and no link is provided to their very small website, which contains only a form for signing up as a Grand Juror, which, last time I checked, is still perfectly legal.

The message of this AP article is clear: now you’re a “terrorist threat” for exercising your First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Mere Possession of a Firearm Cause for Alarm, According to Police

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by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010


In Jonesboro, Arkansas this morning, police called in a “lockdown” of a local school in Craighead County because they spotted a man walking along a road with a rifle in his hand. Never mind that the school was miles away from where the man was sighted and that both police and school officials later admitted later that the man posed no threat to the school.

This “incident” is further evidence of a mindset that has unfortunately been promoted for so long, now that it has become the norm. That mindset is that, somehow, exercising one’s Second Amendment right in any way – even merely carrying a firearm – constitutes some sort of “threat.” More

Fox News Links Infowars.com to Hutaree and “Radical Right Wing”


by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

I knew this day would arrive sooner or later and now it is here. Fox News Channel has reported on a story in which the husband of a military servicewoman is alleged to have posted threatening comments on Infowars.com, the website of radio personality Alex Jones.

The Fox story calls Infowars.com a “radical right-wing website,” which is ridiculous as the people who follow Alex Jones are both from the so-called “left” as well as the so-called “right,” and many more are unaffiliated independents, as well as libertarians. Furthermore, nearly all of them are aware of the false left-right paradigm the government and the media use to keep us divided.

NCIS has confiscated the man’s shotgun and is holding it while their “probe” into the case continues, in violation of the Second Amendment of the Constitution, not to mention the man’s First Amendment right to say whatever the hell he wants to.

Fox reported that the man posted his comment under the name “ACA,” but infowars says that, after doing a search of their own site, they could find no user name that matches this, nor could they find any text matching the man’s alleged message:

“THEN I WILL ( I here by threatn you with violence) if you come to my door [address removed] see if im joking! and as for you BEN what dose it look like? you living in it right now! IVAN go buy a gun and get some practice in,” More

Joint FBI, DHS Raid on Militias in Michigan, Ohio & Indiana


by: Gary Rea (c) copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Saturday night, a joint “anti-terrorism” task force composed of the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and local law enforcement descended upon a Christian Militia group known as Hutaree near the town of Adrian, Michigan.

Seven people have been arrested and are scheduled to be brought before the U.S. District Court in Detroit on Monday.

According to sources not known, the FBI has been in charge of raids conducted in Adrian over the last two days. According to Mike Lakomar of Michiganmilitia.com, the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia and the Michiganmilitia.com were not a part of the raid. More

Congress Declared Obsolete!



By: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

In an unprecedented move that totally violates the Constitutional provisions for separation of powers, President Barrack Obama has, today, while the Senate is at recess, appointed fifteen new people to key administrative jobs without Senate approval! More

The EU’s Europol: the Birth of the Thought Police


by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Like Orwell’s “Thought Police,” the EU has now created a new intelligence agency of its own: Europol.

Europol’s powers go far beyond what has been seen in the EU, so far. It can spy on every citizen of the EU, accessing personal information from political opinions to sexual preferences. It can monitor communications, including internet use, monitoring individuals’ behavior. More

David Icke: New Age Conman


by Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved


Many in the so-called “patriot movement” are disciples of a world view in which we are merely trapped in a “five-sense” dimension that is an illusion, while the “reality” is that we are all a part of a “universal consciousness” that we can’t perceive as long as we are trapped within the realm that is only apprehended by our five senses. Add to that the belief that the New World Order is run by reptilian shape-shifters, including Queen Elizabeth II, and you have the gist of what has been accepted almost without question and certainly without a shred of supporting evidence by millions of people all over the world. More

How the American Republic Died at Philadelphia in 1787


by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010  All Rights Reserved

It is generally supposed, by most Americans, that the Constitution is the founding document of this nation. It is not. In fact, the United States of America was founded with the ratification of our original constitution, the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union (Articles of Confederation, for short) on March 1, 1781.

This document was written to secure a union between the original thirteen states and it was written by the states, for the states. In other words, the states created the central government, which consisted of nothing more than a very weak unicameral Congress, composed of not less than two and no more than seven representatives from each state.

The original intent, as laid out in the Articles, was “a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretense whatever.”

In short, the Articles represented a voluntary union of friendship and cooperation between the states and nothing more. It was never intended to be another body of government, ruling over the states. In fact, the authors of the Articles greatly feared such a central government. More

A Tale of Two Tyrants

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by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


As those who are awake and aware of what has really been going on in America and the world for the last nine years know, the Bush administration, following the false-flag attacks it created on 9/11, used this as an excuse to create the USA Patriot Act and, later, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, two laws that were the most dangerous to human liberty since the Alien and Sedition Act was passed by the Rothschild-paid Federalists in 1789. In addition, on January 27, 2009, one week into his presidency, Obama passed HR 645, the law that “authorizes” the FEMA camps that had already been constructed under Bush’s administration in 2006 by government contractor Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR). More

Reconstructing Tyranny

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by: Gary  Rea (c)copyright 2010 All RIGHTS RESERVED


In the March 22nd edition of The Times Online, there is an article describing how a new machine is being used to put together the 600 million of pieces of shredded documents that make up the records of the former East German Stasi, a secret police force that employed 91,000 agents, as well as thousands more informants to spy on friends, neighbors, fellow workers and family members in East Germany.

I thought it would be interesting for PPJG readers to see this, since our own government is effectively duplicating the Stasi here in America, currently, with the Obama Youth Corps, tens of thousands of newly hired Census takers, Infragard (created by the Bush Administration to recruit employers and business owners to spy on their employees, who might be “terrorists”), thousands of TSA workers, not to mention the Department of Homeland Security’s state and local “fusion center” workers.

Revisiting Operation Northwoods


by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


For those in the “patriot movement” who have often used links to the popular video clip (originally from Alex Jones) on Operation Northwoods to make your point about our government’s long history of false-flag terrorist operations, there is a new tool for your use that is far superior: the Northwoods document, itself.  All 15 pages of it.

Actually, it’s a digital copy of a photocopy of the original document, which was declassified by the Department of Defense in the mid-nineties. It is available for download, as well as printing, from Scribd, where it was posted, along with many other controversial documents, by a Scribd user calling himself “Androline.”

So, now that you know where to find it, may it go forth and multiply.

Among the other documents on Androline’s Scribd page are a 19-page article from the seventies, exposing the plans for concentration camps in America, as well as a 50-page document on the commissioning and construction of the Georgia Guidestones, which includes detailed photographs of the construction process, as well as the people responsible for it.

For those of you who are not in the “patriot movement,” you might want to take a look at these materials, anyway. I guarantee they will change your life.

Is Another False-Flag Brewing?


by: Gary Rea (c)copyright ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

According to an article published Sunday on Infowars.com by Kurt Nimmo, the Navy may be preparing for another 9/11-type event that could occur as early as today or tomorrow.

Now, those of you who know my writings know that I don’t fully trust Alex Jones as a man, but you also know that I have said that I do trust his information, or most of it, anyway, as I believe it is coming from sources that Jones is privy to that he would rather we didn’t know about. Bear in mind that two men in the “patriot movement” predicted 9/11: the late Bill Cooper and Alex Jones.

Given that, I think that when such an article originates with Infowars, as opposed to being a mainstream article or blog reposted by Infowars, that we are getting either spin from Alex Jones or factual information from Alex Jones that has been relayed to him by “the powers that be” (and you can interpret that as you like). So, it is with some apprehension that I consider this information. More

BBC Says Internet Threatens Rare Species

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by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010  ALL RIGHTS RESEVED

In an article on the BBC’s website Sunday, it is claimed that the internet has made it easier for people to “buy and sell anything from live baby lions to polar bear pelts on online auction sites and chatrooms.”

Yeah, right. The whole world is just lining up for seal blubber. The thing about this accusation – which is nothing more than further evidence of the desperation the elite feel over shutting down the internet (i.e., shutting down dissent) – is that the items in question – baby lions, polar bear pelts, etc – are those that only the wealthy can afford to buy, in the first place. In other words, the most likely culprits in this alleged buying and selling of rare animals is the elite, themselves and their minions in government and business! The average person, all around the world, does not posses the means to buy such items, let alone the desire to do so. That is something that only the super rich sickos running the world would salivate over.

So, this excuse for shutting down the internet – and that’s exactly what it is, a lame excuse – is indicative of only one thing: that the global elite will stop at nothing to suppress the exposure of what they are up to. More

The Pentagon’s War on Freedom of Information

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This week, the New York Times has published an article by Stephanie Strom which exposes the Pentagon’s recent efforts to undermine and destroy Wikileaks.org, the website that has as its primary mission the posting of incriminating and sensitive secret documents produced by government and business.

In particular, the Pentagon objects to the release by Wikileaks of a report the Army published about itself in 2008, stating that, because of the release of this report, “Wikileaks.org represents a potential force protection, counterintelligence, OPSEC and INFOSEC threat to the U.S. Army,” which is militarese for “a threat to Army operations security and information security.”

Julian Assange, editor of Wikileaks, stated that the Army’s concerns were hypothetical and that the Army hasn’t pointed out any particular distress that has arisen from the release of the report. Assange has said that he is amused by the Army’s contention that Wikileaks.org is supported by the CIA.

This is, of course, only one of many cases, in recent years, in which some agency of the government (whether federal, state, local or international) has taken actions to thwart the dissemination of any information about itself that might disclose something the government doesn’t us to know about. From public school systems trying to hide documentation of their failures to the UK trying to conceal its growing of poppies for heroin to the Bush administration’s attempts to conceal its role in a Venezuelan coup and 9/11, there is always no shortage of devious, nefarious and murderous things the governments of the world at all levels have done, or are doing now that they don’t want us to know about.

Why America Still Sleeps


By: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


In the nearly nine years since September 11, 2001, many millions of Americans have awakened to the reality of government-sponsored false-flag terrorism in their own country and abroad. Many have become aware of the myriad ways in which government and international financial interests have colluded together in partnership to control the world for decades. More

ABC News Told America About False-Flag Terrorism Five Months Before 9/11


Last night, I happened to Google “Operation Northwoods” again while looking for something and found an article published on ABC News’ website – from May 2001.

Now, on its face, this might not seem so astonishing to most of us here who are familiar with false-flag terrorism and Operation Northwoods, but the fact this article was published on a mainstream news website five months prior to September 11, 2001 is significant. Why? Because it shows foreknowledge of the events to happen in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania five months later. In other words, the author of this article, David Ruppe, of the New York office of ABC, must have known the significance of the subject he was writing about and that it would tie in with what was yet to happen.

The fact that the documentation of Operation Northwoods has been instrumental in awakening people to the fact that our own government would do such a thing is what makes the release of this article before 9/11 so compelling. It is smoking gun evidence that the mainstream media, in particular ABC, knew in advance that a false-flag terrorist attack by our own government was about to be perpetrated.

Whether ABC was informed of this by the government itself is another matter and probably one we will never know the answer to. But, we do know, from other research, that the global elite who are behind it all have been, for decades, telling us – however cryptically – about their plans in advance of committing their heinous acts. They have trumpeted their desires for a world government, run by international bankers and other unelected criminals, for decades in the pages of the Council on Foreign Relations’ own publication, Foreign Affairs. They dropped hints of what is to come – disguised as science fiction – in movies, TV programs, books, magazines and other media for decades, as well.

Those of us who are aware of all this already know that the media is a creature of the global elite and I have written here before that television, itself, is an invention of the Department of Defense, in collaboration with scientists (Philo T. Farnsworth and Vladmir Zworkin, both of whom were working for DOD on top secret clearances), as well as David Sarnoff, the founder of RCA and NBC and Sarnoff’s close friend and fellow CIA asset, Albert Lasker, credited with being the father of modern advertising. I’ve written of how the DOD has been continually involved in the development of television since its inception, right up to the advent of HDTV and the all-digital broadcast signal.

So, it should come as no surprise that ABC – and all the other networks – are privy to classified government information and know very well the agenda of the global elite who rule the world from behind the scenes. Of course they do, because the entire media is owned by only six multinational corporations, which are, in turn, owned and controlled by the global elite.

FBI is on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.

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Well, now that the mainstream media, in this case, Associated Press, has admitted it, it’s official: the FBI – and no doubt the NSA, CIA, DOD and other intelligence agencies – are using social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and others to spy on citizens.

While the AP article in question attempts to make it sound legitimate by mentioning a specific case in which a felon on the lam from law enforcement in Mexico posted information about himself on Facebook and was subsequently arrested and is now awaiting extradition, the fact is that the intelligence services and law enforcement are spying on everyone indiscriminately.

This is the same situation we were complaining about in regard to China’s internet policy, just a few years ago when Google, Yahoo and Microsoft all joined together to help the government of China restrict internet access and spy on its citizens via the internet. It’s being done to us, also.

Anyone, especially, who is using Facebook, MySpace or Twitter as a portal for their own anti-NWO activities is surely being monitored.

Fighting for Liberty = Terrorism

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By:Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Well, according to the goons at London’s Gatwick Airport, fighting for liberty is now officially recognized as “terrorism.” A young man wearing a T-shirt sporting the slogan, “Freedom or Death” was told to cover his shirt because the slogan was “threatening” and “an incitement to terrorism.” That’s how far things have gone in the UK, now, and it’s looking more and more like we’re not very far behind. This makes me wonder how long it will be before the state of New Hampshire is forced to change its state motto (“Live free or die”). Actually, it’s already been suggested.

When expressions of the values our nation was founded upon become “an incitement to terrorism” and we must watch what we write or say for fear of being labeled as “terrorists,” we are already living in a police state, folks. Whether there are troops in the streets with guard dogs or not makes no difference; the effect is the same: a loss of fundamental liberty. In fact, I would say that we are living in a far more effective police state by virtue of the fact that the troops and guard dogs are not needed in order to keep us in line. We have become so spineless that just the implied threat of a government crackdown is enough to silence most people, these days.

How the So-Called “Conservatives” are Co-opting the Patriot Movement


by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Those of us who are outside of the false left-right paradigm are the only people who are able to see how the so-called “right wing” has claimed ownership of the patriot movement. How and why this is happening isn’t always as clear to some of us, however, so I shall explain it for you.

It’s really the oldest trick in the NWO playbook. If you want to misrepresent your enemies and thus defuse their efforts, you infiltrate their ranks and then pretend to be them. This is exactly what the NWO minions in the corporate-controlled media are doing.

Witness the recent rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, hosted by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin is a member of the CFR (here she is with NWO minon Henry Kissinger, a member of the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg, himself) and was CFR member John McCain’s running mate in the so-called “election” of 2008, in which there wasn’t a single candidate who was not an Establishment minion. Glenn Beck is well known to be a tool of the Establishment media, alternately pretending to be a “patriot” while at the same time deliberately associating the patriot movement and 9/11 truthers with “domestic terrorism.” Yet, there the both of them are, hosting the “Take Back Our Country” tour.

Beck has been playing this game of demonizing 9/11 truthers as “domestic terrorists” for the last three years. Now, here he is, with Sarah Palin, using the same rhetoric originated by 9/11 truthers and patriots, who want to “take back America.” A fine goal, of course, but I think truthers and patriots need to first take back their own movement from Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. More

George Soros & the UN Want Your Guns


As if a gun grabbing President and Attorney General weren’t enough of a threat to our Second Amendment rights, we have the specter of the United Nations – funded by billionaire NWO minion George Soros – coming after our guns, as well. What’s more, it looks like they may succeed in disarming us, all via the use of international treaties that will make the United States subject to the same laws used to disarm the rest of the world.

As mentioned in the video, this is unstoppable, as the people who work for the U.N. are not elected officials. There is no way to fire them, no way to remove them from office and no way to keep them from carrying out their agenda. All that is necessary for them to succeed is for them to do as Australia has done and sign the same U.N. treaty that makes us answerable to the same gun laws. Legislation can be repealed, but an international treaty is forever, and if you think there is anyone in our own government who will stop this from being signed, think again.

Our own government has been denying the Second Amendment for over 75 years, since the National Firearms Act of 1934 did away with our right to have automatic weapons. Since then, Congress, the NRA and all other “pro-gun” groups have consistently acted to see to it the infringement continues. If you are among those who doubt the NRA’s complicity, ask yourself why it is they have never demanded the full repeal of all existing gun laws, as well as why they have actually supported many of them, including so-called “concealed carry” laws, which turn our inalienable right into a government-granted privilege, complete with restrictions on what types of weapons we may carry concealed, where we may carry them concealed, and how we may carry them concealed, as well as requiring us to register them and pay for taking a firearms training course. None of this is required by the Second Amendment and we already have the right to carry any weapons we choose in any manner we choose, anywhere and any time. The Second Amendment makes no stipulations as to who may own a gun – it doesn’t even limit itself to guns, in fact. The actually wording is “arms,” meaning any weaponry. The Second Amendment places no restrictions upon the people in any way, but it does restrict the government: “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

2010 Census Most Personally Invasive Ever


Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


In 1790, the first census was taken in the United States, just three years after the ratification of the Federalist’s Constitution, which mandated the census. Prior to this, under our original constitution, the Articles of Confederation, no such requirement existed.

The 1790 census asked only for the number of people in one’s household, their ages (which was reported as an age range, not a specific age), their sex and little else. The purpose of the census, at that time, was to enumerate the population in order to estimate the number of representatives each state should be allowed in Congress. Period.

Since then, the census has become increasingly demanding of personal information, though the transition has been so gradual as not to cause much alarm among the people. Also, it has been, until now, completely voluntary.

That voluntary aspect of the census stops with 2010. Not only will you be asked many more questions about yourself, your family and your home, but you will be required to answer every question. If you don’t, a census taker will come to your door to get the missing information. If they are not successful in obtaining it, they will ask your adjacent neighbors for the information (good luck with that, these days, since most people don’t know their neighbors’ names, let alone anything else about them).

If the census taker still can’t get the questions answered, More

9/11 Revisited

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by: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESRVED


It is now almost nine years since September 11, 2001, the day “everything changed.” On that day, and for the next six years, I called myself a “conservative.” I had voted for George W. Bush in 2000 and I would vote for him again in 2004, convinced, as most of America had been, that we were attacked by “Al Qaeda” on 9/11.

It was not until May 2007 that I finally awoke from my long slumber of ignorance and began a painful emotional and intellectual journey after having realized that everything I thought I knew was wrong.

I had not only been a “conservative,” following 9/11, I had changed my voter registration from “independent” to Republican. I had been a libertarian for some twenty or more years by then, but I had become disillusioned with libertarianism and had spent most of the nineties in a near apolitical frame of mind. When 9/11 occurred and all the usual sources of information told me it was the work of Arab terrorists, like most folks, I believed it and I was angered by it. I swallowed the Neocons’ explanation of events hook, line and sinker, despite having known as early as 1977 of the international banksters and the conspiracy to create a world government. I had believed in this for a few years, when I was a young man, but had eventually dismissed it as “conspiracy theory” because it all seemed so unreal to me. There was nothing tangible about it that I could point to with any certainty, so I forgot all about it, although, when I heard George Bush, Sr. mention a “New World Order,” in 1991, my ears did perk up. But, I went quickly back to sleep, thinking it was all too fantastic to be real. More

Wyoming Joins Phony “Sovereignty Movement”


According to an article on the Tenth Amendment Center website, Wyoming’s governor Dave Freudenthal has just signed Wyoming’s Joint Resolution 2 (HJ0002), claiming “sovereignty on behalf of the State of Wyoming and for its citizens under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government or reserved to the people by the Constitution of the United States.”

The problem with this, as well as with identical resolutions from several other states, as I have pointed out before (see “Sovereignty Hypocrisy,” “Sovereignty Hypocrisy – Part II,” and “Sovereignty Hypocrisy – Part III”), is that Wyoming, like all the other states “declaring sovereignty” is simply blowing a smoke screen to conceal its involvement in the New World Order police state that is slowly coalescing right before our eyes.

As with most of the other states “declaring sovereignty,” Wyoming also has FEMA camps within its borders, More

How 9/11 Truthers are Being Demonized as “Domestic Terrorists”


Some of us predicted this would happen as long ago as three years ago and now it appears we were right. Those in the 9/11 truth movement are being demonized as “domestic terrorists.”

It was one thing when the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report came out in 2009, equating the truth movement with Neo-Nazi skin heads and militiamen. At that time, a large number of Americans who fit the “profile” very vocally announced their outrage against the report and caused it to be removed (supposedly) from circulation.

But, now things have become much worse, with new false flag incidents like the recent Pentagon shootings, which have been blamed on a supposed 9/11 truther who is conveniently dead now.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, now Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (whom I’ve long suspected is part of the NWO elite) has announced, just days after the Pentagon incident, that he believes “September 11 was a big lie and a pretext for the war on terror and a prelude to invading Afghanistan.”

Could this be any more transparent? The intent is quite obvious. Anyone who says they agree with Ahmadinejad on this will now immediately be labeled as “sympathizing with the enemies of the United States,” which is tantamount to being an “enemy combatant,” as far as the Patriot Act is concerned.

Given that many in the truth movement already regard Iran as a patsy being set up for a fall at the hands of the U.S., this statement by Ahmadinejad only reinforces the linkage between truthers and Iran, our supposed dangerous enemy.

So, not only are truthers being set up as subversives bent upon doing harm to the U.S., but now we are being cast as supporters of the U.S.’s “terrorist sponsoring” enemies. What’s next, a video of some cheesy Osama bin Laden look-alike (because bin Laden’s been dead since 2001) supposedly saying that he believes 9/11 was also an inside job? Actually, that wouldn’t be hard to believe, since bin Laden himself denied any involvement in 9/11 just days after it happened.

If this keeps up, I’ll probably be reporting from a CIA black site or a FEMA camp, soon.

Who is Jordan Maxwell?


By: Gary Rea (c)copyright 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

To many in the truth movement, Jordan Maxwell has become a revered source of information. Appearing many times on the Alex Jones Show, and the author of many books and videos of his own, Jordan Maxwell has been supposedly exposing the Machiavellian machinations of the global elite for many years.

However, what most in the truth movement have failed to realize is that they are unwittingly being led into the New World Order by Maxwell, Jones, David Icke, Alan Watt and others. I will cover those others at a later date, but for now, I will focus upon Jordan Maxwell.

First of all, Jordan Maxwell derived his name from Jordanus Maximus, a character created by Helena Blavatsky in her book, Isis Unveiled – which Jordan Maxwell has publicly admitted is his favorite book by Blavatsky, whom he has also publicly acknowledged great admiration for. More

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