
Copyright © 2011 by W.R. McAfee, Sr. All Rights Reserved. 


     “These are the types of beings that would deny other people of their lives and stoop low enough to make the lives of others a misery. No matter what your belief  or religious affiliation, one has to acknowledge the dangers in the world. There   are inhumane Homo sapiens and there are actually inhumane pediatricians abusing the young and their parents.


The current round of attacks (Lancet, British Medical Journal, Sunday Times, CNN, et al) on Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British scientist who published his research findings that stated there may be a link between autism and MMR vaccines, appears at first glance to be a continuation of London’s Hounds of Rascalville’s efforts  to demonize Dr. Wakefield and send a message to other researchers who would dare blaspheme Big Pharma’s cash cows. 

One finds after turning this rock over, however, what appears to be a second elite-backed agenda to force/scare Americans into taking Big Pharma’s (new-improved-multiple- purpose) flu shot with the possible ‘necessity’ of martial law to get everyone ‘safely’ vaccinated 

All in the name of ‘public safety;’ standard smoke and mirrors for another elite attempt at neutralizing the Constitution—a stumbling block along their yellow brick road to global rule by an appointed (theirs) non-elected government.. 

A still-armed American citizenry is a second stumbling block. 

A third—the Internet—looms large. 

Their last try and lie at forcing the public to take their H1N1 jabs (or succumb to the ravages of a faux ‘pandemic’) was quickly nullified by the Internet. Sadly, many pregnant women and children who were herded to the front of the lines were injured by the vaccines. 

For example, a large number of miscarriages that occurred among pregnant women who took the vaccine was revealed by the National Coalition of Women in a September 17, 2010 press release. The coalition put the upper end number at around 1,588, but later revised it to 3,587, ( Click to View Link )

When confronted and asked why alerts weren’t put out about the “adverse reactions,” the CDC denied the injuries and stillborns. 

Links between vaccines and adverse reactions among children already have been established.  Dr. Mark Sircus’ findings in an informative article “Pediatric Love Affair with Mercury Continues,” an excerpt from his forthcoming book, Humane Pediatrics, supports this.  According to Dr. Sircus: 

  “. . .at the end of 2002, the VAERS [adverse reaction reporting] system contained      

  • 244,424 total reports of possible reactions to vaccines, including
  •  99,145    emergency room visits,
  •  5,149 life-threatening reactions,
  • 27,925 hospitalizations,
  •  5,775  disabilities, and 
  • 5,309 deaths,

according to data compiled by Dr. Mark  Geier, a vaccine researcher in Silver Spring, Md. The data represents roughly 1 billion doses of vaccines, according to Geier. Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the US Federal Drug Administration agrees that   such evidence has great bearing on the entire vaccination question saying, ‘There  is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm       than good’” 

A legal petition was filed (December 17th) with the FDA concerning the known dangers of these vaccines. It is assumed since it has a docket number it will be heard. The petition is worth reading: ( Click to view link  ) 

Yet, lacking a better scheme, the elite appear to be plodding forward toward a second attempt to force the public into taking the shots.

BigPharma’s World Health Organization (whose pandemic ‘authority’ is binding upon the U.S. and other nations who signed the World Trade Organization’s ‘treaty’) took the pandemic-that- wasn’t to a Level Six alert last year; awaiting orders from their elite handlers to take it to a Level Six warning that would have automatically triggered WHO’s global martial law authority. 

To implement a scam.

Information circled the globe and citizen outcry—poor and rich alike—forced them to call off their plans. The Internet, the elite realized, had become a huge stumbling block—boulder, really—in the middle of their yellow brick road. Routine outings like their bogus pandemic and the Copenhagen global warming debacle appears to be forcing the Wizards of Oz into a perpetual two-minute drill.

Mistakes happen when you’re scrambling.

Simultaneously, the ‘Net continues to re-educate and renew the importance of the Constitution and rule of law for millions of Americans who’ve taken the time to inform themselves, and to grapple with the enormity of the monsters behind the havoc wrought upon humanity for profit. 

Lacking a better plan, or not having the time to come up with one, the elite are back for another try with their vaccines. But they need a different boogeyman this time around having already cried pandemic-wolf.  Two-thirds of America are refusing the shots. 

“How do we go about convincing Americans vaccines are safe now?”

“Hmmm. . .Let’s see, everyone loves children, don’t they?” 

“Yes. But all this hateful ‘Net information is keeping parents away from the shots.” 

“But, that’s endangering their children!” 

“And how do we convince the public of that?”

“Why not throw open our MSM floodgates, demonize and discredit one or two doctors  like Wakefield, lay off normal child deaths during the flu season to their lack of vaccinations, prep the public’s mind and. . .” 

“ I get it!  And what if. . .what if. . .we blame the parents for not vaccinating their kids, mandate the shots for everyone, and lock up anyone who refuses to take them!?” 

“In the Halliburton pens!?” 

“Why not?!” 

“But that might cause a revolt.” 

“Precisely. We would be forced to declare martial law and. ..” 

“. . .we could have the president declare it illegal to have guns! and. . .” 

”. . .we could remove two thorns from our side—America’s Constitutional restrictions and the firearms—while we inject everyone and continue on with our global eugenics.”  

While this conversation is fictional, the possibility isn’t. Click to View Link    

Dr. Sircus concluded at the end of his article:
        “This is an abbreviated chapter from my Humane Pediatrics book, which should see the light of day hopefully early next month. I have zero doubt that there are       beings on this planet that are life deniers. 

       “These are the types of beings that would deny other people of their lives and stoop low enough to make the lives of others a misery. No matter what your belief  or religious affiliation, one has to acknowledge the dangers in the world. There   are inhumane Homo sapiens and there are actually inhumane pediatricians abusing the young and their parents. Obviously as a race we need to learn    something about humaneness and humanitarianism.”  Click to View Link 

God speed, Dr. Wakefield!


Pediatric Love Affair with Mecury Continues

CDC Allegedly Falsifies Reports – Ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages From H1N1 Vaccine

Mnookin: Jail for Wakefield?