Senate Candidate Rob Taylor brings the Constitution Revolution to Sheboygan.

FEB. 6th, 2010, a cold and blustery Saturday in Sheboygan was the latest stop for Rob Taylor’s Campaign for U.S. Senate.   That morning lake effect snow was falling and the wind was blowing and the chill in the air was about to be thawed because one thousand brave Patriots were about to rally for the Constitution.

The momentum from his speech at the Racine Tea Party followed Rob to Sheboygan as one couple said they clearly remember it.  Rob’s name recognition is now becoming fixture with Tea Party Patriots as many had already had heard of him and wanted to meet Rob in person.    Rob then fielded their questions on topics such as the U.N., the Federal Governments role in education, taxes, and can non-Christians hold office.  He being a true Constitutional Champion answered them decisively and succinctly and in accordance with the founding principles and intent set forth under the Constitution. 

His answer was:

  • remove the U.N. from America,
  • eliminate the Federal Governments role in education and return it to the States,
  • repeal the income tax, and,
  • Yes if they hold to the principles of the Constitution.

Rob did not speak at the event but was strategically placed across from his Republican opponent Dave Westlake.  It should be noted that no Political Candidates spoke at this particular rally because it was intended to be non-partisan.   Evidence that Rob’s Constitution Revolution was picking up steam and gaining more recognition was that and equal amount of Tea Partiers approached Rob’s booth as his Republican candidate.  The Westlake volunteers and Dave himself kept a close eye on the booth traffic flowing to Rob.  A strength that his campaign has over all his opponents is that his stances on the issues are clear and not disingenuous in nature.  He is pro-life, favors repealing the 16th and 17th Amendment, pro Second Amendment, defend our borders, stop the cycle of endless wars, eliminate the Federal Reserve, and limit the Federal Government to its constitutional authority. 

Rob Taylor’s campaign is not only gaining momentum but giving The Constitution Party a front row seat in the Senate race.  His visibility is allowing The Constitution Party to be seen at equal level with the Republicans and Democrats at the Tea Party conventions.  Publicity is not always forthcoming when you are unknown to the so-called mainstream media but the Tea Parties have opened the door for Rob and The Constitution party to be seen.  Rob’s tireless efforts and commitment have garnered a number of requests and invites to attend future events as a result of attending this Tea Party.  Pay close attention to his event calendar because Rob is on the move or should we say the Constitution Revolution Express is coming to a city near you.

It’s time to strike will the fires of discontent are hot and a Nation that will no longer tolerate the Two Parties trying to force Socialism on America.   The Constitution Party asks that you join Rob and make history by volunteering for his Campaign and donating the funds to power the engines of the Constitution Revolution now entering into Express mode.   The Whigs went into the pages of history when they wouldn’t respond to the wishes of the American Citizen, Democrats are nearing the destruction of their party, and the Republicans are divided and timid.  Rob Taylor’s time is now, The Constitution Parties time is now, help Restore the American Dream and help us Repeal Change in November.