By: Marti Oakley (c) copyright 2009- 2010 All RIGHTS RESERVED


 See also: Where is that illusive US treasury? Can you say Puerto Rico?


The appointment of a Secretary of the Treasury is just that, an appointment to a position which is NOT a cabinet position in any administration.  The S.o.T. is the [governor] appointed to the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF).  He is not an officer of the United States, is not a cabinet member and does not represent the interests of the United States.  His position is as liaison between the federal government and the IMF.  His obligation is to the IMF, not to the United States.  The secretary of the Treasury is not sworn into office as cabinet members are, and take no oaths to the United States. 


Just today, the subcommittee hearings on AIG and how the bailouts had been constructed, were held.  Repeatedly, Geithner uses the term “your government” when responding to questions from committee members.  He never says “our government” or “the government”.  Geithner uses the term “your government” to distinguish himself as an employee of the IMF/World Bank, and to make clear that he is NOT a cabinet member working on behalf of the US government.  Geithner repeatedly alludes to the central bank which is neither a US agency or organization but rather a privately owned and regulated banking cartel.    


How many of you sitting out there actually believe there is a US bank account somewhere in this country containing tax deposits from workers, and funds generated by all the businesses the federal government unconstitutionally engages in, or any of the other contrived sources of income that comprise the revenues of the federal government?


I have news for you; there isn’t any such account.  All funds collected including our tax dollars are deposited in the World Bank and administered by the International Monetary Fund. 


The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 abolished the United States treasury, ended the cabinet position and created the IMF governorships.  Each country being a member of the IMF has its own governor.  When Timothy Geithner or Henry Paulson speak of the G-8, or the G-20, they are speaking of the meetings of governors whose purpose it is to determine what plan or action would benefit the IMF, not the countries involved.  Their purpose of meeting is not to act to benefit the countries represented, but rather to act to protect the interests of the IMF.


The IMF and World Bank are also the issuers of all government checks some of which still bear the name U.S. Treasury.  Most checks emanating from government no longer even pretend to come from this fictional U.S. Bank account.


  • In addition, every Social Security number is issued by the IMF, not the federal government operating as the Social Security Administration.
  • Every birth certificate with registration number is originated from and  registered with the IMF/World Bank
  • Every Veterans award
  • All military pay
  • All government paychecks
  • All payments of any kind emanating from the Federal government are paid through the IMF/World Bank.


The careful depositing of the term [central bank] will occur more frequently as a matter of psychological conditioning as we are forced into a privately owned, world wide banking system.  Once this is forced on us, the demise of the Federal Reserve will follow as it is absorbed into the one world, bank and its existence is no longer needed to facilitate the manipulation of debt and economies as that function will now be openly orchestrated by the central bank.  


The World Bank and IMF are expansions of the Federal Reserve central banking system.  Paulson, and now Geithner openly allude to the [central bank], a term which should frighten even the most apathetic among us.  In the past no one directly mentioned the connection to the World Bank, but as economies around the world have been intentionally imploded in order to pave the way for acceptance of a world wide central banking system the term is used openly; that way you’ll get used to it and won’t go into rebellious shock when your dollars are converted to toilet paper.