A recent comment made to the PPJ website has brought to my attention, once again, the fact that so many Americans on both “sides” of the so-called political aisle are still not awake, yet, to the facts about how their minds are being manipulated by the powers that be. I will herewith attempt to set the record straight on this in as complete a fashion as I can.

The first thing to realize, for those who are new to this website, is that it is neither a “right wing” nor a “left wing” website. This should be self-evident to all who bother to actually read the articles posted here.

Secondly, those of us who are contributors to this site, as well as its publisher, come from different political orientations but we are united and agreed upon one thing and that is the fact that the entire left vs. right, Republican vs. Democrat paradigm is a long-standing hoax, a fraud that has been perpetrated upon us all for the purpose of dividing and conquering us.

The people who originated this false paradigm are long dead but their descendants and successors have continued it throughout the ages. The concept of playing supposedly differing sides off of one another for the purpose of obfuscating the reality of who is really in power is as old as the ancient Roman Empire, if not older.

In modern times, the creation of the false left-right paradigm we have all been born into and have been led astray by for all of our lives is largely due to the Machaevellian machinations of a handful of people in international finance and their minions in government, the media and academia – all of which is owned and controlled by the same elite families who have, for generations, unwaveringly pursued their agenda of gaining power over the entire world. These super wealthy elites were the financiers of the Bolshevik Revolution, which created world communism as we’ve known it, as well as funding the rise of Adolf Hitler – supposedly two factions that were in opposition to each other.

This is the way the global elites operate. They fund both sides of every conflict and they create the conflicts they finance. They do this to keep the world’s population eternally at war with each other, not only as a distraction from the fact they’re being manipulated, but as a means of reaping immense profits, as well.

As a part of this backing of both sides in all conflicts, the global elite have also, long ago, gained power over both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in American politics. Both parties are owned and controlled by the same international criminals and every U.S. president since Woodrow Wilson has been hand-picked by them. The recent presidential election of 2008 is certainly no exception. In fact, more than ever before in history, the deck was stacked with CFR minions as candidates, so that it didn’t matter who one voted for, they would still be voting for one of the CFR’s puppets.

For those who believe the current assault on our liberties in the wake of 9/11 is a “right-wing” agenda of the Bush administration, consider that everything that is happening now – and everything that will happen during Obama’s administration, as well – is part of a continuum of the CFR/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg agenda. The groundwork for what is happening now and what is yet to come has been laid by previous administrations over a period of many decades. This agenda is an ancient, generational and on-going one that has its roots in the beginnings of civilization itself.

For those on the so-called “right” who believe what is happening now is the work of “radical leftists” or “communists,” consider who your so-called “Republican” leaders really are and it will become apparent to you that both the so-called “left” and the so-called “right” are supporting the same agenda – that of the global elite, who fund both sides at once.

We are all Americans. We are all human beings and we are all quite literally cousins, descended from the same early human ancestors. We are not enemies of each other, but have been manipulated, for thousands of years, to believe we are. Ask yourself why. Ask who benefits from this. Ask questions about all you think you know…because most of it is false.