I have a few things I would like to say to you but I know if I write these thoughts down in a letter and mail them to you I will most likely be put on a watch list at the very least and probably will be hounded by my local FBI for daring to speak out.  More than likely, if this open letter to you is printed…….I will end up on a list anyway.  Even knowing that, I am determined to have my say.  What follows is my take on you, your presidency and the damage you have done to our once beautiful country.

To begin:  I personally will consider it an act of treason against the people of the sovereign United States for you to continue to participate in, contribute to, or to in any way engage  in furthering the Security & Prosperity Partnership.  The idea that you have scheduled the next summit meeting for this anti-American agreement, in New Orleans in April, on American soil for the benefit of you and your corporate friends and crooks is more than an insult. It is a direct violation of the Logan Act and is nothing less than treason.

By the way:  nothing in our Constitution gives you the right to enter into agreements of any kind without calling it what it is…a treaty.  You don’t call it a treaty because that would mean congress would have oversight…..and you sure don’t want that!

The failure of any of your three Attorney’s General to secure our border with Mexico against this illegal colonization and immigration, is a direct result of your intentions to merge the US, Canada and Mexico into one big continental country. 

All three of your nefarious AG’s have failed to perform their duties as prescribed in the US Code mandating that it is their DUTY to secure our borders against any unlawful invasion.  They each failed to perform the duties of their office, and you have supported and encouraged this failure. 

I find it more than strange that we are now going to have to suffer the indignity of foreign military on our soil, against us…… and we can now send our military into other countries to attack their populations, but we can’t use our own military to secure that border.   

But this isn’t about foreign terrorists or mass illegal immigration is it?  This is about dismantling the Republic.  This is about coaxing and conning people into believing an imaginary enemy is at their door and that unless they give up everything this country was founded on, the boogey man will get them!  This is all about transforming a once great nation of free people into one of oppression and government control for the benefit of the select few.  This is about terrorizing the American public into compliance. It is the American people that you fear most of all.

Ordinary citizens are now “domestic combatants”, “domestic terrorists”.  Why?  Because they object to your un-American policies.  We have watch lists, no fly lists, specially designated nationals lists…black lists of all kinds.  And the names of American citizens who have never committed any crime are being added to these lists daily.  But for some reason we can’t find Osama.  We can’t locate and deport illegals back to their homes.  We can’t enforce immigration laws.  But we can sure run down American citizens and data mine every possible piece of information on them. 

Under the threat of another attack (you seem to be the only one threatening) our phone calls are listened to, our email is read, our web searches tracked, our snail mail opened and read, our personal business is tracked, our medical information is logged, our homes can be searched without warrant or warning, our assets frozen, and now HSD wants to enact REAL ID which is nothing more than a national ID which they are forbidden to ever establish according to their charter.  You want us chipped, bio-scanned, facially imprinted, fingerprinted, and you want us to go to a cashless system so that only those with the ID can conduct any transaction……and only if you say its ok. 

The stage is set isn’t it?  The Executive Orders granting yourself expanded and unconstitutional powers, the signing statements putting yourself above the law, the presidential directives laying the groundwork for martial law and suspension of the Constitution and Bill of Rights; the FEMA camps for dissidents… these things are all in place and just waiting for you to declare a national emergency……and to declare yourself as perpetual dictator. 

In all of this, the greatest disappointment has been the refusal of congress on either side of the isle to act to defend the people of the United States from you.  I personally believe that you, Cheney, Rice, and many others in this illegitimate administration pose a greater threat to the safety of this nation than any foreign terrorist ever could. 

It is you and your cronies who have done the damage.  It is you who have started wars of aggression, who lies pathologically, who seems intent on destroying our nation.  It is you who subverts our laws, disregards our Constitution and who is intent on taking away our liberties.  No foreign terrorist could have done this. 

It is you and the terrorists in your administration who pose the greatest threat.  It is you we need to fear.  And we need to treat you as we would any other terrorist:

You should be held without communication at a secret prison and tortured until you said whatever we wanted you to say whether it was true or not.  We need to seize all your assets and incarcerate your wife and children.  And don’t think you would have any rights either or that you will get a fair trial.  After all, we’re not going to tell you what you’re charged with or allow you to see any evidence that we might have against you and you will not be allowed to mount a defense of any kind. 

In the end, if we haven’t water boarded, electrocuted, or beaten you to death, or permanently screwed up your mental faculties with the use of psychotropic drugs that we may use to experiment on you, we may let you go.  But then again….maybe not.   The dogs may be hungry.  And besides, the usual term of incarceration for terrorism is life without parole if you don’t die “accidentally” while in prison.  I have to wonder if those laws and provisions sound quite so good to you now?

I would like to think that the election in November will bring a much needed reversal of the illegitimate laws and corruption that have defined your administration.  But, I know this won’t happen.  Regardless of who supposedly wins that election, that person will simply continue the destruction you have begun.  And I also know that no one will be allowed to take that office without first swearing that they will continue what you have started.  (We don’t have hacker enabled electronic voting machines for nothing.  I guess you would know more about those than I would.)

Knowing that you are a megalomaniac and totally without conscience, I am sure you think that history will report you as some great leader with a vision.  I think history, if it isn’t censored to a great extent, will report you as the worst president ever in our history.  If not the worst, then assuredly the most despised.  The only person I can think of which will be held in even less regard would be Cheney. 

Marti Oakley

These are just some of my observations.  I have many more and would gladly share them with you……but I know your aversion to having to actually deal with or communicate with the non-elite.  That, and if you cared what I or anyone else out here thought, none of this would be happening anyway.